Photos: Dalia Reyes Perera
By: Dalia Reyes Perera, Radio Habana Cuba correspondent in Villas Clara, from Venezuela.
The unbreakable bonds between Venezuela and Cuba are spreading like an immense wave of brotherhood.
Love repays with love" is the motto of the brothers of the Movement for Friendship and Mutual Solidarity between Venezuela and Cuba, who have already launched the "One Hundred Bolivars for Cuba" campaign, at a time when the island is going through a very complex scenario, in the midst of difficult economic conditions, together with the effects of two hurricanes and earthquakes.
Yhonny García Calle, the organization’s national coordinator, says that the call, which has been divided into two phases, has been answered by different sectors of Venezuelan society, social organizations, groups and personalities.
"The Hundred Bolivars for Cuba campaign has an important level of expectation, taking into account the love that unites the two peoples," he said.
He further explained:
"We have promoted it in two phases, one until 25 November to honor a new anniversary of the departure of the Commander in Chief to eternity, and another that ends on 1 January, 66 years of the Cuban Revolution, we believe that in the course of these two weeks we will achieve a positive balance, This idea recalls, on the other hand, the initiative that was made in 1957 and 1958, at the advent of the triumph of the Revolution, when Venezuela promoted the Bolivar goes up to the Sierra campaign".
And he specified that "it is very important when Cuba is experiencing exceptional moments due to weather difficulties, together with the hostile policy of the blockade exercised by the US government, which does not allow the island to expand its productive forces for a better development to guarantee the welfare of its population".
He said that the response of the Venezuelan people and a group of organizations and institutions had been impressive.
"The Simon Bolivar Institute for Peace and Solidarity with the Peoples of the World has contributed in a positive way, as has the International University of Communications; its students have collaborated in a leading way, we are holding meetings with social sectors, political groups, parties, and we are calling on the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, the Patriotic Pole, to join this campaign and thus show our gratitude for the support of this sister country to this people with the more than 200 thousand Cuban workers who have passed through here during these 24 years of the Venezuela-Cuba Integral Agreement".
He sent a message to the Cuban people
"Cuba, strength, you will go forward as you have always done, with the unity of the Cuban people and the friends of the world, to stay together to face these challenges, Cuba will know how to emerge victorious in the face of this onslaught, both of meteorological and natural affectations, as well as the blockade."
He added:
"We want to point out that at this moment the peoples are demanding from President Biden, who is about to culminate his mandate, to sign with his prerogative the exclusion of Cuba among the countries that sponsor terrorism, it is a mockery of the intelligence of the world, because in reality, What Cuba has given is kindness, altruism, generosity, in more than 100 countries there are Cuban doctors, cultural promoters, sports, that is why we ask Biden to exclude from the nefarious list of terrorism the island that has as its banner the flag of the Lone Star. "