Call from Costa Rica is made for international solidarity with Cuba
Havana, Aug 10 (RHC) The Bolivarian Circle Yamileth López today called for international solidarity with Cuba, just in these times when the right wing wants to turn Costa Rica into the nerve center of its unprecedented attacks against the Caribbean island.
In a statement entitled Solidarity with Cuba means dignity, the support group rejected the constant and recent meetings of well-known opponents of the Cuban Revolution.
The Bolivarian Circle feels the need to request the solidarity for Cuba of all those sectors that still believe in dignity and the ideals for justice and social inclusion, science, education and technology at the service of the people.
The statement highlighted that Cuba was the first country in the Americas to develop its vaccine against Covid-19 and put it at the service of the peoples who needed it. It also recalled that hundreds of young people from all over Latin America and the Caribbean graduated as doctors, and thousands of patients from all over the world -including North Americans and Costa Ricans- resort to science and biotechnologies developed by Cuban scientists in search of help.
That is why the world on 13 consecutive occasions has condemned the blockade against the Cuban people from the General Assembly of the United Nations where the United States and Israel have opposed it. (Source: PL)