The investigations into the attempted military coup d'état in Bolivia reinforce the statements of President Luis Arce, who confronted the leader of the attempt, in the sense that the former head of the army, Juan José Zúñiga, had accomplices.... More

50 years ago in the western province of Matanzas, Popular Power was born, an experience that was later institutionalized throughout Cuba and which is based on the broad participation, without exclusions, of all Cubans.... More

With courage and the announcement by social forces that they would oppose an uprising, the Bolivian government, under the leadership of President Luis Arce, managed to quell the coup attempt by the now former head of the army, Juan José Zúñiga.... More

Until next December, Cuba will occupy the pro tempore presidency of the Committee of Representatives of the ALADI, Latin American Integration Association, a high responsibility that has been described as an honor and a commitment to the work of the organization in favor of developing links of solidarity and cooperation with the nations of the area.... More

The U.S. Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, tried to convince the world of what he considers “good intentions” of his government by making what he calls a “comprehensive evaluation” of some 188 countries about human trafficking, but he did not explain who. authorized Washington to do so.... More

In Honduras, the second social meeting of CELAC, Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, will soon open its doors, which will bring together civil society organizations and movements from the member nations of this mechanism created to promote regional integration and work for the well-being of its citizens.... More

Thanks to the social programs implemented since 2003 by the governments of the Workers' Party, Brazil managed to get off the Hunger Map of the FAO, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, 11 years later.... More

Ruthless fanaticism

At least 20 dead and dozens injured are the result of a series of violent attacks against Christian churches, synagogues and a police checkpoint in the Russian republic of Dagestan, located in the North Caucasus, indicated the Anti-Terrorism Investigative Committee of that nation.... More

The recent edition of the Cubaindustria 2024 international convention and fair was a favorable space to strengthen the Cuban industry, without a doubt, and as part of the business fabric, economic actors in all their diversity also had their space.... More

Playing with fire

The Secretary General of the United Nations, Antonio Guterres, expressed concern about Israel extending its war against the civilian population of the Gaza Strip to Lebanon, which would cause a regionalization of the war conflict.... More

Weeks of water

June is usually rainy in Cuba, but June 2024 has left the inhabitants of the archipelago amazed by the frequency and intensity of rainfall.... More

On June 30th, the different political parties in Uruguay will hold internal elections to elect their candidates for the general elections on October 27, in which the new president of the South American country will be appointed.... More

Daily life in Cuba is full of constant challenges, but also of beautiful gestures, which are born of friendship or that solidarity that distinguishes Cubans and that speaks of the greatness of a people and especially of its young people.... More

Ramaphosa and the new era

A skilled negotiator, the leader of the ANC, African National Congress, Cyril Ramaphosa, has been inaugurated for a second presidential term in South Africa, 30 years after the beginning of efforts to leave behind the heavy legacy of development separated by races, the hated apartheid.... More

Among the sectors seriously affected by the inhumane US blockade is communications, whose economic losses in the last ten years are estimated at 500 million dollars.... More
