The cornered beast

Edited by Ed Newman
2024-05-27 09:13:14


Benjamin Netanyahu will never be able to convince anyone that boys and girls are terrorists who threaten the best armed army in the Middle East

By Guillermo Alvarado

The Zionist State of Israel continues its accelerated race to become a pariah in the world of nations, after the highest body of justice of the UN ordered the immediate cessation of military operations against the defenseless Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip.

Far from obeying the mandate, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, irremediably condemned to go down in history as one of the greatest genocidal perpetrators, ordered the attacks on the already destroyed territory of the Strip to intensify, increasing the number of innocent victims.

No matter how much he wants, the Israeli ruler will never be able to convince anyone, except, of course, others who think like him, including US President Joseph Biden, that young boys and girls are terrorists who threaten the best-armed army. from the Middle East.

These infants, along with women and the elderly, represent the majority of the more than 35,000 dead and 70,000 injured by the Zionist bombings and ground attacks, and of those who are on the verge of famine because Tel Aviv prohibits international agencies from bringing food, water, medicines and vital equipment to that area.

If I were to look for a parallel to what is happening these days in the Gaza Strip, the only one that comes to mind is the brutal Nazi attack on the Warsaw Ghetto during the Second World War.

In that place the Jewish resistance against the extermination carried out an armed uprising that began on April 19, 1973 and where some 56 thousand people died under the German attack. The buildings were destroyed stone by stone and the inhabitants were subjected to inhumane conditions.

That is precisely what is happening in Gaza, which shows that the Zionists, and be careful, I am talking about Zionism, not Semitism, learned the lessons of their Nazi teachers very well and execute them to the letter.

In addition to the verdict of the International Court of Justice, another high court, the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and his Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant.

Although there is no possibility that both of them will be detained in Israel, this could happen during a trip abroad and, in any case, increases the pressure against the authors of this genocide.

However, as is well known, there is nothing more dangerous than a cornered beast, which is why it would not be strange if the Zionist army carried out deadly blows in the Strip during these days, since it still has the full support of its main accomplice, the U.S. government.



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