Lots of outrage, but little action

Edited by Ed Newman
2024-05-28 09:24:04


Image: eldiario.es

By Guillermo Alvarado

There are multiple signs of indignation and condemnation of the brutal Israeli bombing of a Palestinian refugee camp that occurred this weekend and left around 45 dead, a figure that could rise quickly due to the large number of serious injuries.

It is a new war crime that is added to the dozens perpetrated by Zionist troops since October 7, 2023, but unfortunately, unless the Western powers change their complacent and complicit stance, it will not be the last.

Many voices were raised in the last few hours, among them those of the main supporter of Benjamin Netanyahu's regime in Tel Aviv, I am referring to the United States government chaired by Mr. Joseph Biden, whose hands are also splattered with innocent blood.

The United Nations, so far powerless to stop this absurd and brutal war, called on Israel to conduct a transparent and exhaustive investigation into this attack, as if that were possible.

The president of France Emmanuel Macron and the head of foreign policy of the European Union Josep Borrell joined the chorus.

  It is good that they are outraged, I think, but this would be the right moment to take action and stop the hands of this pariah state and force it to comply with the mandate of international justice to immediately cease the attacks against the Gaza Strip.

The keys necessary to stop this genocide, whose severity is escalating by the day, are in Washington, Paris, London and Berlin and they know it very well, it is enough to close the financial flow and the delivery of weapons and ammunition to stop Israel in its tracks. .

It could be done against apartheid in South Africa, why are Western powers so afraid of doing it in the Middle East?

Many politicians are digging the grave of their ambitions alongside Netanyahu's, including Biden, and yet they are unable to react.

In the midst of so much apathy, the attitude of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, stands out more and more, who had the courage to request an arrest warrant against the Zionist prime minister, and more recently recalled that no one has a license to commit crimes. of war or against humanity.

For the good of our species, of our self-esteem and conceptions of ethics that we hope to leave to the next generations, it is time to move on from discourse and indignation and concrete actions to save innocent lives and punish those responsible for genocide. If not now, perhaps it will never be.


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