No more gender-based violence
by María Josefina Arce
The protection of women's rights is at the heart of the Cuban Revolution, which for more than six decades has implemented social policies aimed at this sector of the population, which today has a significant participation in various areas of the country's socio-economic life.
However, stereotypes and patriarchal attitudes still persist in Cuban society, threatening the empowerment of women and generating violent actions that are incompatible with the principles of our revolutionary process.
For this reason, this problem is at the center of the attention of the authorities and mass organizations such as the Federation of Cuban Women, which since its creation in August 1960 has worked tirelessly to defend the prerogatives of this sector of the population.
Over the years, many initiatives have been developed in favor of women, to which we can add today "No More", a new project for the prevention of and response to gender violence.
This campaign, which includes actions in the eastern provinces of Las Tunas, Granma and Guantánamo, and in Havana, in the western part of the country, will last for three years.
A key element of this project is to work with young people to promote alternatives to violence and to train communication professionals.
The Federation of Cuban Women’s violence counseling centers, staffed by psychologists, jurists, lawyers and social workers, will also be strengthened.
The "No More" project will provide vital support to the authorities' efforts to combat gender violence, a clear sign of the discrimination that still exists in our society.
It is a further step in the consolidation of policies that have been implemented for decades and that have been strengthened in recent years with important instruments.
This is the case of the Comprehensive Strategy for the Prevention and Attention to Gender Violence in the Family Scenario and the new Family Code, which, after a broad popular consultation, was ratified in a referendum in September 2022.
As well as the National Program for the Advancement of Women, implemented three years ago, which in its actions and objectives summarizes the political will of the State in favor of gender equality.
Cuba has not stopped working to guarantee the rights of women, an essential force and inexhaustible commitment to the progress of the country.