Demographic Sustainability: A Commitment to the Future

Edited by Catherin López
2025-02-08 21:53:10



Demographic Sustainability: A Commitment to the Future


By: Maritza Gutiérrez


The Policy of Attention to Demographic Dynamics was approved in our country in October 2014, and its implementation and updating remains on the government's agenda. This was ratified these days by the Prime Minister of Cuba, Manuel Marrero, who stressed the importance of attention to the demographic dynamics of each territory of the country, as a key factor for the implementation of economic and social public policies.

Updating demographic policies is presented as an integral response to the challenges facing our society today. With a clear vision for the future, this policy seeks to establish a solid framework that promotes demographic sustainability in a context in which sexual and reproductive rights are fully guaranteed by the Constitution of the Republic.

The first objective of this policy is to stimulate fertility, which is essential to ensure generational replacement and hence population stability. Promoting an environment in which couples feel the freedom and support they need to decide to have children is crucial to building a sustainable demographic future.

The second axis of this policy focuses on caring for a rapidly aging population, with particular emphasis on citizens aged 60 and over. This growing segment of the population requires clear strategies to promote their active inclusion in the economic, political and social spheres. It is not only a question of guaranteeing them adequate services, but also of recognizing their potential as agents of change and development that can enrich them individually and the community as a whole. The participation of older adults is essential to capitalize on their experience and knowledge and to create an intergenerational environment conducive to mutual learning and social cohesion.

The third objective addresses the crucial importance of employing those who are able to work. In a context where population ageing is becoming an imminent reality, it is imperative to adopt measures that not only promote job creation but also facilitate the adaptation of the workforce to new market demands. This means anticipating and mitigating the impact of aging on the national economy and ensuring that our labor policies are inclusive and equitable. The preparation and continuous training of our workforce are key elements in meeting the demographic challenges of the immediate future.

Finally, the fourth objective focuses on tackling the causes of internal and external migration. In a globalized world, it is essential to understand the motivations that lead our compatriots to leave their place of origin. Through appropriate policies, we will seek to reduce these migratory flows, while working to mitigate the depopulation of communities and rural areas where local life and culture are in danger of disappearing. In addition, it is essential to facilitate the participation of Cubans living abroad in the socio-economic development of the country, taking advantage of their human capital and resources for the benefit of our nation.

In conclusion, updating the objectives of demographic policy should be understood as a commitment to building a more just and sustainable future. By addressing fertility, ageing, employment and migration, we are creating a holistic approach that not only responds to current needs, but also lays the foundation for comprehensive development that involves all sectors of our society. This joint effort is essential to achieve a demographic balance that favors the well-being of all Cubans and the prosperity of the country.


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