Pedro Sanchez

When the president of the defunct Venezuelan National Assembly Juan Guaidó declared himself the “Provisional President of Venezuela” -- even though no one voted for him -- the government of Spain was one of those that officially recognized him and pushed the European Union to accept such an insolent breach of the Venezuelan Constitution. ... More

In November 2005, a group of Venezuelan young people traveled to Belgrade, Yugoslavia.  They were sponsored by the Center for Strategies and the Application of Non-Violent Actions, known by its acronym of CANVAS, where they learned tactics and strategies to overthrow governments that the United States didn't like.... More

The President of the United States, Donald Trump, has reaffirmed that he will withdraw U.S. troops from Syria and Afghanistan but not from Iraq, and reinforced his insinuations that a military attack on Venezuela is still on the table, with a view to overthrowing the president of that South American country, Nicolas Maduro.... More

The protracted and useless war against drug traffickers, imposed on Mexico by the United States and accepted by Mexico’s neo-liberal administrations, has led to a security crisis and has turned the country into a huge mass grave, according to high officials of the Mexican Government.... More

The last four years have been the warmest since the pre- industrial era -- that is between 1850 and 1900 -- and United Nations experts say this dangerous anomaly is the result of the record accumulation of greenhouse gases in the Earth’s atmosphere.... More

The UNICEF has just disclosed that the world is holding no less than thirty million children and adolescents who qualify as refugees, most of them without the company of an adult or family member.... More

The President of the United States Donald Trump has suffered a new defeat when judge Ray Moore, his candidate to a vacant post in the Senate in the State of Alabama, a traditional turf of the Republican Party, was defeated by the Democrat aspirant, Doug James. ... More

If Donald Trump has met huge storms as he sails his foreign policy through oceanic waters he has neither traveled with luck in the domestic scene.... More

The President of Venezuela Nicolás Maduro has revealed the implementation of a new scheme to create a virtual national currency, in order to prevent the damage caused by the aggressive US economic war against that South American nation through the domestic moneyed circles that still operate there. ... More

CELAC, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, has just arrived at the sixth year of its foundation in December 2011 in Caracas, Venezuela, and is still involved in the struggle against hunger and poverty, one of its top priorities as evidenced in its first Summit, held in Chile in twenty thirteen.... More

As part of the modernization of its economy, Cuba is resorting to foreign investment in different areas, and every year it adds new joint projects that are catching the attention of entrepreneurs from all over the world.... More

Finally, one week after the presidential elections in Honduras, the Supreme Electoral Court disclosed the official results, following a twisted course of vote counting that has raised many doubts about the legality of the official results of the electoral contest.... More

The noted US intellectual and political activist Noam Chomsky has declared that humankind is now facing very serious dangers, with the capacity of either wiping out our species completely or substantially reducing its ability to survive.... More

Despite advances in the past few years in terms of legislation to counter violence against women, Latin America and the Caribbean continues to be one of the most dangerous regions in the world for women due to the high rate of violence against their sex within and outside their homes, according to data compiled by the United Nations and disclosed a few hours ago.... More

New Elections in Germany?

The failure of German Chancellor Angela Merkel in forming a new cabinet following last September's elections has led this week to a political crisis that could lead to a solution that has not been seen in Germany in the past seventy years.... More
