Cuba has been restructuring its debts to jump start it's economy and attract investment. Three years ago it restructured $6 billion of its debt with China, and Reuters reports in 2012 Japan has forgiven about $1.4 billion. Mexico recently forgave $478 million of Cuban debt, and Havana has agreed to pay back $146 million over 10 years.... More

Argentinian economist Raúl Benítez, head of the FAO, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations office for Latin America and the Caribbean, has gone on record saying that “although our South American continent has made great strides against hunger, it is still the most unequal region in the world."... More

World Health Day is held every April 7th to draw attention to particular priorities in global health and this year, the date was dedicated to the control of vectors that transmit diseases. ... More

No one in Brazil can deny the extraordinary success of the program "More Doctors", launched last June by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff in an effort to improve public health in her vast country, where millions are still lacking quality medical attention.... More

Improved personnel stability and an increase in the quality of services are expected in Cuba following the announcement of substantial pay raises to over 440,000 healthworkers, all of whom have received the news joyfully.... More

Since his inauguration as president of the United States in January 2009, Barack Obama has already broken the record established by his prececesor, George W. Bush: Obama has successfully raised the bar on the number of daily deportations from the United States.... More

The Drama of Children in Florida

Nearly 500 children of both sexes have died in Florida over the past six years as a result of maltreatment by their parents and cuts in social aid programmes, this,according to a report by The Miami Herald. ... More

The United States Government and several members of the US Congress may be accused of openly supporting the activities of armed right-wing murderous groups that, in some communities of oil-rich Venezuela, are spreading disorder and death in an attempt to topple the legitimate administration of President Nicolas Maduro.... More

The governments of Cuba and Nicaragua have signed an important agreement that opens the road to increasing economic relations that should match the excellent level of their bilateral political links.... More

While fascist groups continue trying to spread violence and chaos and destroy the social and economic gains installed in Venezuela by the Bolivarian Revolution, the Government of that South American nation is standing fast in its efforts to improve the lives of all its citizens.... More

The relations between Cuba and Brazil are in dynamic evolution. Both countries are working together in several fields and are building model links that realize the intent of both economies. Today Brazil is the second most important commercial partner of Cuba. Mutual exchanges run into the hundreds of millions of dollars with prospects for further collaboration.... More

Cuba hopes that 2014 will be a good tourist year and first returns on the number of foreign visitors for January confirm this expectation.... More

Private Sector Grows in Cuba

The private sector of the Cuban Economy is growing every day as a worthy complement of successful State-run businesses. Given this, it is no anomaly, that the private sector enjoys full possibilities of technical training to enable it to be successful.... More

Exactly one year ago on Wednesday the world was shocked by the news: after a brave but unsuccessful battle against cancer, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had died in Caracas.... More

Politicians in the United States and the European Union are insisting on the recognition of the sovereignty of the Ukraine, when the truth is that both entities are intervening in the internal affairs of that Eastern European country, interventions that have already led to the unseating of President Viktor Yanukóvich.... More
