U.S. in division operation

In the midst of rhetoric of an alleged beneficent nature, the U.S. Department of the Treasury reported on provisions in relation to the non-state sector of the Cuban economy, while an important international personality emphasized the virulence of the United States blockade of Cuba.... More

Paris is well worth the Olympics

The 2024 Olympic Games will be held in Paris, the beautiful French capital, from July 26 to August 11, with the participation of some 10,500 athletes from 206 countries distributed in 45 disciplines.... More

Haiti:  A maze with no way out

The impoverished and forgotten Haiti seems lost in an increasingly dark labyrinth that appears to have no way out.... More

There are multiple signs of indignation and condemnation of the brutal Israeli bombing of a Palestinian refugee camp that occurred this weekend and left around 45 dead, a figure that could rise quickly due to the large number of serious injuries.... More

Cuba between lights and shadows

The dystopian Cuba that is sold around the world by the press, social networks and influencers with roots in Miami and cities in Europe, for the most part, falls apart after an objective and unprejudiced look at the reality of the island.... More

The cornered beast

The Zionist State of Israel continues its accelerated race to become a pariah in the world of nations, after the highest body of justice of the UN ordered the immediate cessation of military operations against the defenseless Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip.... More

Neo-Nazism flies over Germany

Politicians and analysts express their concern about the strengthening shown by the far-right party Alternative for Germany, a group that until a few years ago was marginal and currently has 15 percent of voting intentions.... More

The saga regarding the situation of the Australian journalist Julian Assange has now reached 35 years, and has become one of the most scandalous matters in the judicial history of the United States and Great Britain, among other accomplices.... More

Cuba's population is aging

Population aging is today a common denominator in almost all countries in the world and it is considered that it will increasingly influence the design of labor, cultural and social policies of each nation.... More

Cuba breaking immobility

Today, we will speak succinctly, the time crunch of a journalistic comment, about the critical situation that we Cubans are experiencing right now.... More

Tell me who you are with …

The president of the United States, Joe Biden, described as scandalous the opinion of the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, who requested an arrest warrant against Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for crimes against humanity committed in Palestine.... More

Milei is unleashed

The disruptive ideas of the Argentinian president, Javier Milei, took shape once again this weekend in Madrid in an anti-socialist and clearly fascist speech formulated during a rally organized in that capital by the far-right Spanish party Vox.... More

A short time ago, I commented on the invisibility of Africa in the media almost all over the world. Nothing has changed, maybe a few points for the worse. And if the state of the continent is no one's business, the situation of the sub-Saharan nations, Black Africa, is worse, rooted in the popular imagination, through novels and stories of the European colonizers.... More

As people around the world mourn the tragic death of President Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash, we look back at his illustrious life and legacy and how he championed the cause of the oppressed.... More

Showing the copper

On Sunday, a meeting of the international extreme right took place in Madrid, capital of Spain, sponsored by the VOX party with the aim of collecting votes for the European Parliament elections on September 9th.... More
