Cuba commemorates the beginning of Operation Carlota through which the Caribbean island collaborated in the struggle for the independence of the current Republic of Angola and other South African nations.... More

Speech by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, at the United Nations General Assembly, presenting the draft Resolution A/77/L.5, entitled: "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba."   November 3, 2022.... More

Havana, September 10 (RHC)-- It all began with a cigar box, a gift he received from his mother when he was a child. It was an empty box since the adults and friends of the family had already enjoyed the Habanos that filled the case, which came from a remote island in the Caribbean.... More

Cohiba in its 55th anniversary 

Havana, September 6 (RHC)--With the presentation and tasting of the Cohiba Piramides Extra vitola to the national and international media, the celebration of the 55th anniversary of the Cuban cigars elite brand kicked off in Havana.... More

As Joe Biden prepares to embark on his first trip to Israel as U.S. president, the family of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh has sent him a letter laying out a list of demands to ensure accountability for her killing in the occupied West Bank in May.... More

Ever since U.K. Home Secretary Priti Patel formally ordered the extradition of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the U.S. last week, press freedom advocates around the world have been mobilizing.... More

As the British government moves ever closer to extraditing WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to the United States, the pantomime of “justice” cloaking his persecution in the regalia of the “rule of law” continues to unfold: a torture rendition by another name, inching forward as the world watches in real time... More

An independent union at General Motors in Silao, Mexico, has ratified its first contract, with an 8.5 percent wage hike and benefit improvements — outstripping recent wage increases at other Mexican auto plants.... More

The first panel of the People's Summit in Los Angeles, opened Wednesday with a call for an end to the U.S. government's policy of suffocation against Cuba.... More

Havana, June 6 (RHC)-- The Government of Cuba described the exclusions at the Summit of the Americas, taking place as of Monday in Los Angeles, as anti-democratic and arbitrary. Radio Havana Cuba brings the full text of a statement of the island's authorities on the issue.... More

Havana, May 27 (RHC)-- The Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America-People's Trade Agreement (ALBA-TCP), held its 21st Summit in Havana, Cuba on May 27, 2022. The Final Declaration adopted by the alliance's member states follows.... More

Havana, May 14 (RHC)-- On the first day of the Fifth Extraordinary Session of the National Assembly of People's Power, in its Ninth Legislature, Deputy Ana María Mari Machado, Vice President of the Cuban Parliament, read a Declaration issued by the International Relations Commission on the Summit of the Americas.... More

Malcolm X was one of the most prolific leaders of the African-American freedom and human rights movements, said Dr. Rosemari Mealy as she remembered the 57th anniversary of his assassination in New York on February 21st.... More

There are people who come into our lives and without asking for anything in return offer us the best of themselves, their knowledge and experience. They are unique beings who by sharing their knowledge touch and profoundly transform our existence bringing to it greater clarity, allowing us to see things from a more conscious space, while there are others, who are just passing through, who leave their lesson and go on their way. Julio was of the first group, of those who leave an imprint for eternity; one so strong, that one can never tell when their influence stops.... More

Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier has contracted COVID-19 and is in need of immediate hospitalization and care.  He is now 77-years-old and has several illnesses which make his health situation precarious.  ... More
