Cuba has sent medical brigades to eleven countries, with further requests under consideration

As the United States and the nations of Europe experience the sad tragedy of an uncontrolled pandemic, they are beginning to take notice, not with malice but with wonder, of the alternative road taken by the small Caribbean island nation that declared itself socialist fifty-nine years ago.... More

The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) has called for urgent action in countries across the Americas to cope with the influx of covid-19 cases.... More

The most helpless ones

The announcement that three underaged-children -- confined in a detention center for migrant kids in New York -- tested positive for COVID-19, brought to light the vulnerability of infants who, alone or accompanied by their parents, had to leave their country in search of a better future.... More

The Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology was established in 1986

On January 15, 1960, Fidel Castro declared that “The future of our country has to be necessarily a future of men and women of science; it has to be a future of men and women of thought.” ... More

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Maria Zakharova. File Photo.

Havana, March 30 (RHC)-- In a recent press briefing, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, addressed Cuba´s international contribution to the fight against Covid-19.... More

The denial of science has long and deep roots in U.S. culture

In an article in The New York Times on March 27, Katherine Stewart writes that the hostility of the religious Right to science and its denial of scientific knowledge have obstructed the capacity of the United States to respond to the coronavirus pandemic.... More

As the United States has emerged as the epicenter of the global coronavirus crisis, it increasingly has demonstrated that it is unprepared to respond to the emergency. By Charles McKelvey... More

RHC reproduces an article published by The Wire Science, from India. It takes a look at Cuban international medical cooperation and the slander campaign against it.... More

Memoirs in times of pandemic

Isolated by the Covid-19 pandemic, but united in one great collective memory, hundreds of thousands of Latin Americans remembered two disastrous events that occurred in our region some decades ago, leaving indelible marks in the countries.... More

Cuban medical brigade arrives in Lombardy, Italy.

They arrived in the white coats of their profession, waving the flags of Italy and Cuba, to the sustained applause of the Italian airport workers and passengers and local residents. ... More

Brazilian head of state, Jair Bolsonaro, has been described as the most inefficient president on the planet when it comes to the proper handling of the crisis caused by the coronavirus, which could create a catastrophe in that South American country due to the lack of a substantial program to contain it.... More

Covid-19: Cuba wages a war for which it is well prepared by Charles McKelvey... More

By Noam Chomsky / Truthout... More

Radio Havana Cuba reproduces in its entirety an article published by the US Weekly Magazine The Nation, on Cuba's involvement in the repatriation of the British cruise ship MS Braemar.... More

A new and interesting, if not strange, twist is happening in some China-bashing Western media's coverage of the Asian country's COVID-19 fight: they are beginning to speak positively.... More
