While the sanctions stipulated in Title I of the Helms-Burton are directed against the Cuban Revolution, in Title II the guidelines of U.S. policy towards their hoped-for future Cuban governments are sketched out.... More

A flower for Camilo

Camilo Cienfuegos will always be remembered as an intrepid fighter, one of the original expeditionaries on the Granma yacht. His courage won him the title of Hero of Yaguajay, one of the key battles that sealed the 1959 victory of the Rebel Army led by Fidel.... More

Close to celebrating in 2020 two decades, the Integral Cooperation Agreement between Cuba and Venezuela stands against the unilateral, coercive measures unleashed by the United States Government against the two Latin American nations and is a firm mechanism of cooperation, solidarity, resistance, development and friendship between the two Latin American nations.... More

Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel addressed the 18th Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement -- held in Baku, the capital of Azerbaiyan -- on Friday, October 25, 2019.... More

The legend has it that during the huge march from Paris to the Versailles Palace on October 5-6 1789, right in the middle of the French Revolution, the wife of Louis XV, Marie Anthoinette, asked what was the people demanding. She was told that the crowds were protesting over the scarcity of bread and its mounting prize and over spreading hunger and malnutrition.... More

Cuba’s flagship airline Cubana de Aviación has announced the cancellation of several of its flights as a result of the latest measures implemented by the U.S. against Cuba. The Cuban airliner has given its assurance that steps are being taken to address this situation.... More

Honduras demands a change

In June 2009, the then constitutional President of Honduras Manuel Zelaya was deposed by a coup. Ten years later, that Central American nation continues suffering deep political, economic and social problems that are continually deepening.... More

President Donald Trump recently celebrated his first one thousand days in office fully surrounded by scandals, suspicions and right in the middle of an examination by Congress to determine whether he should be prosecuted for serious offenses during his tenure.... More

Cuba, the only nation in this Hemisphere that took part in the creation of the Movement of Non Aligned Nations back in 1961, and on two occasions has been its president, will be represented by President Miguel Diaz-Canel in its Eighteenth Summit Conference which will open this week in Baku, the capital city of the Asian nation of Azerbaijan.... More

Still lacking the reports from Rural Bolivia, urban voters gave President Evo Morales a decisive push in the first round of the Presidential elections held this Sunday in that Andean nation, although experts note the possibility of a second and decisive voting round against the opposition candidate Carlos Mesa, on December 15th next.... More

Mexican authorities are estimating that between nine and ten thousand migrants will concentrate in the next few days in the northern border city of Tijuana, bordering with the United States, in a move that has awakened many commentaries and speculations about its possible outcome.... More

The Cuban people has a long tradition of struggle, the main one taking place on October 10th, 1868, at the La Demajagua sugar mill, when a group of Cuban patriots proclaimed the independence of the Island and began a protracted struggle against Spanish colonialism. ... More

Inaugural speech by President of the Republic Miguel M. Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, before the National Assembly of People’s Power October 10, 2019... More

Santiago de Cuba, October 8 (RHC)-- A monument to Pedro (Perucho) Figueredo, author of the National Anthem of Cuba has been completed in the patrimonial cemetery of Santa Ifigenia, joining valuable sets that pay tribute to heroes of the island´s independence and liberation wars.... More
