By Charles McKelvey October 6, 2019... More

Cuban National Assembly to elect executive branch of government By Charles McKelvey... More

Title I --the first of the four titles in which the Helms-Burton Act is divided-- has been regarded by experts and critics alike as a ‘straight-jacket’ for Washington’s Cuba policy. ... More

Besieged President Donald Trump is still in very hot water, since the beginning of investigations aimed at taking him before a political court now add disclosures that in a discussion with his aids he suggested in a fit of temper that the migrants should be repelled with poisonous snakes.... More

Havana, October 2 (RHC)--Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel  thanked citizens Wednesday for their responsibility and commitment to the call to 'think like a country' to confront the growing hostility of the United States.... More

Although Benjamin Netanyahu lost the recent parliamentary elections in Israel with his Likud Party, that nation’s president, Reuven Rivlin, has asked him to form a new government, despite the difficulties posed by the political fragmentation in that country.... More

Havana, September 30 (RHC)-- The Council of State of the Republic of Cuba has convened an extraordinary session of the National Parliament for next October 10th for the lection of the island´s top governmental responsabilities.... More

President Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez urged authorities to work differently, "according to the times we live in" at a Council of Ministers meeting which delved into the economic life of the nation.... More

Trump against the ropes... again!

Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the US House speaker of Representatives, warned that official investigations are being conducted to bring President Donald Trump to trial for allegedly violating the US Constitution and also endangering the National Security of the United States.... More

Leaders and representatives from some fifty nations attended the UN Climate Change Action Summit, which called for action in view of the acceleration of climate change with its negative effects on our planet, although some insist on denying this very negative process.... More

A delegation of Cuban experts tried to be accredited online last February at the Mobile World Congress (MWC), held in the Spanish city of Barcelona, but the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States banned their attendance.... More

The Foreign Affairs Ministers of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas - Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), assembled for the bloc's 19th Political Council, in the context of the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, in New York.... More

The World Health Organization and the United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, have just issued separate reports that show appalling figures of maternal and children mortality in the world, a scourge that, even if it shows a slight reduction, continues to punish the less developed nations.... More

Given the inability of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party to form a new Government headed by its leader, Pedro Sánchez, general elections have been convened for November 10th to seek a solution to the prolonged political crisis afflicting that European nation.... More

As the disappearance of forty three high school students from the Mexican Ayotzinapa Teachers School, in the State of Guerrero, is about to record its fifth year, the indignation of parents and other relatives, as well as of the community has risen to new heights following the decision of a local judge to set free a group of twenty four suspects.... More
