Después que se ha dado como virtualmente seguro, ahora un número creciente lo coloca entre signos de interrogación.... More

Foreign Debt and Development

Since December, when Cuba and its creditors of the Paris Club reached an agreement on the regularization of the Island’s debt, Havana authorities conducted separate negotiations with the members of the Club and signed other important documents. ... More

The many tourists from all continents that visited Havana over the weekend could witness --and enjoy-- from a popular conga against homophobia up to the weather-alert Meteor 2016 strategic exercise, aimed at reducing the risks posed by natural disasters, including droughts, epidemics and hurricanes. ... More

Nineteen months after the disappearance of forty two high school students from the Mexican county of Ayotzinapa, in the State of Guerrero, their relatives and other family members still ignore what happened to their children... More

On 16 April, 1961, on the aftermath of bombings by US-operated warplanes against several Cuban airports, a prelude to the mercenary invasion by Playa Giron—Bay of Pigs... More

Fidel Castro Ruz, during Tuesday's closing session of the 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba

Remarks by leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro Ruz, during Tuesday's closing session of the 7th Congress of the Communist Party of Cuba... More

No other date is more symbolic than April 16, that of our party’s founding. On the eve of the mercenary invasion at Playa Girón, after honoring the victims of the previous day’s aerial attacks on our airports, combatants of the Rebel Army, the National Police, and militias swore to defend at any cost the socialist character of the Revolution, proclaimed on this unforgettable day.... More

Argentine President Mauricio Macri is apparently involved in corrupt practices that have Panama as its center. ... More

Twenty six years ago this Sunday, 27 March, the U.S. began an illegal propaganda broadcasts against Cuba via the so-called Marti Television, a subject that was not touched upon by President Barak Obama during his recent visit to Havana—although on several occasions the U.S. president quoted statements and phrases by Cuba’s National Hero Jose Marti.... More

Over ONE BILLION dollars will Cuba be investing this year in key sectors of its energy and mining industries in order to increase their efficiency and achieve significant savings through the reduction of import bills.... More

A cease fire has been agreed upon in Syria by Russia and the United States and accepted by Damascus. But a measure of uncertainty exists on the effective scope of this measure, especially because of the low index of enthusiasm from Washington on the success of the initiative.... More

Following tense days of negotiations, the leaders of the European Union were forced to make hard concessions to the United Kingdom that will ease the way for it to remain in the continental block, whose unity is each day more precarious due, among other reasons, to the economic crisis and the avalanche of refugee migrants that keeps the Union’s borders in extreme tension.... More

Cuba remains in the very center of worldwide interest following the announcement that the President of the United States Barak Obama will visit Havana on March twenty first and twenty second next. ... More

When I recently learned of the request by Nobel Peace laureate Adolfo Perez Esquivel, of Argentina, to U.S. President Barack Obama, a Nobel Peace laureate himself, asking him not allow his Argentina visit to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the military coup that claimed so many victims in the South American nation, I decided to check the date on which the US president will be arriving in Havana for his official visit here, a moment that will certainly go down in history.... More

Bolivian and Brasilian presidents, Evo Morales and Dilma Rousseff

A major economic breakthrough is springing to life these days that could change the face of South America. The construction of a Central Bi-oceanic Railway Corridor linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans crossing Brazil, Bolivia and Peru is an initiative that no doubt will give a boost to the relations between the three nations and will consolidate the integration of South America... More
