On July 20th Cuba and the United States restored diplomatic relations. Press reports called that day historical, because this would begin a new chapter in ties between the two countries.... More

The United States and Cuba on Wednesday announced an agreement to open embassies in each other's capitals to formally re-establish diplomatic relations for the first time since 1961.... More

Initiated as a pact to assist in the economic and social development of countries in the region, PetroCaribe is primarily an effort to alleviate the economic dependence experienced by many small developing countries in the Caribbean and Central America. ... More

By Bronwyn Lea Dear friend, It has been an eerie thing for me these past few years: sort of a déjà vu experience to watch the news and read about Ferguson, Eric Garner, Baltimore riots, McKinney and, most recently, the horrific shooting in Charleston. I’ve been watching #blacklivesmatter trend on Twitter: grief and outrage and opinions from every corner. And, as someone who grew up in Apartheid South Africa, this all feels eerily familiar to me. I listen to people talk and think I remember, and I recognize that.... More

In Guatemala, outrage over two corruption scandals has fueled marches since the end of April, when an international prosecutors’ panel, backed by the United Nations, that has been working with the attorney general’s office, uncovered a scheme to charge lower customs duties in return for bribes. ... More

Ricardo Palmera, aka Simon Trinidad, has spent 11 years in complete isolation in a U.S. "supermax" prison: a violation of the United Nations Convention against torture.... More

UNESCO Breaks Silence on Slavery

Given the tenet that concealment or ignorance of major historical events constitutes an obstacle to mutual understanding, reconciliation and cooperation among peoples, in 1994 the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, decided to break the silence surrounding the slave trade and slavery that have affected all continents and that have shaped our modern societies.... More

Cuban President Raul Castro and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper held a bilateral meeting, however Canadian media reported that they were only informed of the meeting after the fact and only because the Canadian head of government made a passing reference to a meeting between the two leaders. A photo of the meeting was not released by the prime minister's office, nor were any statements released, suggesting that the prime minister was seeking to deliberately downplay the meeting.... More

Cumbre de Panamá

Por vez primera no hay exclusión alguna, pero mientras algunos consideran que pueden hacer de ella una trampa, para otros, la gran mayoría, será la oportunidad de hablar en común y decir las verdades de Latinoamérica y el Caribe... More

For over 40 years, there was no a single food shipment between the US and Cuba, but in 2000 the Bill Clinton administration allowed exports produce to the island giving the one-way line of trade a boost of several hundred million dollars.... More

Viva la radio!

Today Radio Havana Cuba joins the celebration of World Radio Day, proclaimed four years ago by UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, which on this occasion is dedicated to the youth of the world.... More

As part of the discussions of the Ninth Congress of the National Association of Private Farmers, Cuban farmers are currently undergoing a debate on the need to increase the production of meat; milk; tobacco; rice; sugar cane and other agricultural staples.... More

In the wake of U.S. President Obama's move to rekindle diplomatic ties with Cuba, Cuban-American legislators in Washington and local officials in Florida are calling for reconsideration of a once-sacrosanct element of the U.S. foreign policy -- the 1966 law that gives Cubans broader protections than any other immigrants arriving in the United States, according to an New York Times editorial on Monday.... More

'Alma gemela' by painter Nelson Domínguez, Fine Arts National Award in 2009

Over a half century later, as U.S. and Cuban officials met last week for historic talks to begin normalizing diplomatic relations, it was evident that trust remains the same: scarce. But this first step in the present détente augurs well for a process that will require patience and skillful managing of expectations in both countries.... More

Ever since the inception of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, Our America has entered a new stage and advanced toward independence; sovereignty over our natural resources; integration and construction of a new world order; and, social justice and democracy of the people, by the people and for the people. There is a stronger commitment to justice and the rights of the peoples today than in any other historical period.... More
