Zionist insanity

If any proof was missing that the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, is willing to perpetrate a genocide of great proportions against the Palestinian people imprisoned in the Gaza Strip, he himself provided it when he announced a military operation against Rafah.... More

The additional restrictions and unilateral sanctions derived from the labels of sponsors of terrorism assigned by the United States, create a paralyzing effect and their revocation is expected.... More

Nearing his first month at the helm of Guatemala, President Bernardo Arévalo's strategy to reach out to various sectors of society, especially the most vulnerable, including children and young people, is taking shape.... More

Armed to the teeth

Between January 1st and January 24th of this year, there were 24 mass shootings in the United States, one per day on average, which confirms that this is one of the most violent countries in the so-called developed world and also where it is much easier to acquire a firearm.... More

Buenos Aires, February 10 (RHC) -- The Argentinean Club of Journalists Friends of Cuba (Capac) expressed its solidarity with the alternative communication project Cubainformación and denounced the actions promoted today by the right wing to shut down media outlets that support the island.... More

Stalker prosecutors

The election of Colombia's attorney general has generated controversy, inserted in the tendency of conservative segments to complicate the mandate of progressive president Gustavo Petro.... More

The historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, always fought for the future of our country to be linked to science. And women have undoubtedly played an essential role in the progress made along this path.... More

The Fourteenth International Congress on Higher Education, University 2024, an event that brought together more than 2,000 delegates from around the world to exchange experiences and opinions on the role that higher education is called to play in the transformation of society, closed its doors in Havana.... More

Biden shipwrecked in the Senate

The President of the United States, Joseph Biden, received a hard setback when the Senate rejected an agreement negotiated for months by Democrats and Republicans aimed at toughening conditions for migrants at the southern border, as never seen before.... More

In a consumer society like Puerto Rico, under the influence of the United States, the exercise of violence is gaining ground.... More

It is widely known the fruitful collaboration between Cuba and China in several areas, especially in biotechnology, a branch in which the Caribbean nation shows substantial advances and in which it continues to contribute to the health of Cubans and citizens from different latitudes.... More

As evidence of the highest level reached by relations between Cuba and Mexico, representatives of the education sector signed a cooperation agreement in Havana.... More

President Javier Milei went on tour to Israel, Italy and the Vatican, while in Argentina his unpopular reforms that imply the weakening of the state are being implemented and popular unrest is growing.... More

Although in December 2022 his presidential mandate ended, Jair Bolsonaro has not ceased to be at the center of controversy in Brazil, which also characterized his tenure at the Planalto Palace.... More

Tragedy in Chile

The Chilean people are living these days the worst catastrophe suffered since the earthquake of February 2010, due to a series of forest fires in areas of the Valparaiso region that suddenly increased their power and devastated densely populated areas in four communes.... More
