Washington, March 12 (RHC)-- Spotted at President Biden's State of the Union last week on Capitol Hill was Gabriel Shipton, who alongside Kentucky Republican Rep. Thomas Massie is fighting for clemency for his brother, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. ... More

Cuba and Egypt break new ground

Cooperation between Cuba and Egypt in the field of health opens new horizons to relations in general terms.... More

Speech delivered by Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and President of the Republic, at the closing ceremony of the XI Congress of the Federation of Cuban Women, at the Convention Palace, on March 8, 2024, "Year 66 of the Revolution".... More

Peru so unstable

The recent resignation of the Peruvian head of government and his forced replacement are new chapters of the accentuated political crisis, a phenomenon with no end in sight.  ... More

The inhabitants of western Cuba are in a jubilant mood. The Havana International Book Fair arrived in the middle of the week in that region, as part of its tour around the country, after successfully closing its doors in the Cuban capital.... More

The lifeless body of an infant lies on the ground, her small frame wrapped in a white shroud. Her delicate features, once a source of joy and hope for her parents, are frozen. ... More

Cuban women in the vanguard

With too many debts, the world arrives at International Women's Day.  Poverty, illiteracy, sexual exploitation, gender violence and discrimination continue to lacerate the daily lives of millions of women worldwide.... More

The routes of death

Every year tens of thousands of people around the world leave their homes and homelands and embark on hazardous journeys to places where they believe, or are led to believe, that they will find a better future, with jobs and opportunities for themselves and their families who are often left waiting for good news.... More

SIKEREI: Art and Tradition

Sikerei is a project for the design and production of exclusive humidors. Tradition and art work together to create a product that represents the essence and quality of Cuban cigars. ... More

Venezuela with electoral schedule

Elections in Venezuela attract the frenetic attention of the hegemonic press, from the speculation of whether they would be held and the search at all costs for an opponent to face the candidate of Chavismo.... More

In the Russian city of Sochi, the World Youth Festival closes its doors, in which the rejection of the criminal blockade imposed more than six decades ago by the United States against Cuba was also heard.... More

U.S. legislators of alleged Cuban origin maneuver to make the blockade, tightened by Donald Trump without major changes during the mandate of Joseph Biden, more harmful to the Antilleans.... More

Haiti plunges into violence

Violence has taken over Haiti. The small Caribbean country is experiencing a critical and alarming situation; criminal gangs have been taking over the territory and already control 80% of it, sowing terror among the civilian population and causing numerous victims.... More


The call by the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, to declare an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, the first of its kind made by a high-ranking official of the U.S. government, which until today has been an unwavering supporter of Israel, attracted a great deal of attention.... More

Chávez:  A true revolutionary

"Chávez is a true revolutionary, a deep thinker, sincere, courageous and tireless worker...", would say the historical leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, about the late Venezuelan president, who would change the reality of his beloved Venezuela.... More
