It has long been known everywhere that in the United States there are two dominant political parties, Democrats and Republicans, who periodically alternate the administration of the government with discreet nuances in matters of little importance.... More

World Environment Day: June 5th

This June 5th, Cuba remembers the 40th anniversary of having celebrated World Environment Day (WED) for the first time, two years after it was established by the UN.... More

The results of last week's general elections in South Africa confirmed two relevant facts. The African National Congress (ANC) party, in power for 30 years, did not achieve the parliamentary majority to govern and, despite this, was the second party with the most votes.... More

On a memorable day due to the breadth of positions in dispute and the fact that two women were among the main candidates for the presidency, Mexicans overwhelmingly gave their vote in the elections to Claudia Sheinbaum, of the ruling progressive coalition Let's keep making history.... More

Trump:  The convict

The virtual candidate for the presidency of the United States for the Republican Party, Donald Trump, is already a convicted criminal, after a court found him guilty of thirty crimes and is waiting to know what his sentence will be.... More

In the midst of an intense heat wave that tenses the political climate, Mexicans go to general elections this Sunday, with a high profile, as they will also decide seats in Congress and in municipalities.... More

Brown enemy on Caribbean sands

In the heat of the Fourth International Conference of Small Island States held in Antigua and Barbuda, representatives of several of them brought up the challenge of a new enemy, the Sargasso Seas.... More

Hurricane Season 2024

Hurricane season begins on June 1st in the North Atlantic, which according to experts could be very aggressive for the region.... More

The Information Office of the State Council of China published an analysis of the human rights situation in the United States, a country that likes to qualify others, but is unable to see within itself the serious deficiencies it maintains in this matter.... More

Forecasts are sometimes misleading, although they always point to probable events. This is what has been happening with those referring to Climate Change (CC), a topic that capitalizes on conflicting opinions, but which has already demonstrated with sufficient evidence its tremendous impact on the health of the planet.... More

U.S. in division operation

In the midst of rhetoric of an alleged beneficent nature, the U.S. Department of the Treasury reported on provisions in relation to the non-state sector of the Cuban economy, while an important international personality emphasized the virulence of the United States blockade of Cuba.... More

Paris is well worth the Olympics

The 2024 Olympic Games will be held in Paris, the beautiful French capital, from July 26 to August 11, with the participation of some 10,500 athletes from 206 countries distributed in 45 disciplines.... More

Haiti:  A maze with no way out

The impoverished and forgotten Haiti seems lost in an increasingly dark labyrinth that appears to have no way out.... More

There are multiple signs of indignation and condemnation of the brutal Israeli bombing of a Palestinian refugee camp that occurred this weekend and left around 45 dead, a figure that could rise quickly due to the large number of serious injuries.... More

Cuba between lights and shadows

The dystopian Cuba that is sold around the world by the press, social networks and influencers with roots in Miami and cities in Europe, for the most part, falls apart after an objective and unprejudiced look at the reality of the island.... More
