Beijing, May 20 (Prensa Latina)-- A Beijing gallery is hosting from today the series La nasobuqueña tropical by Cuban artist Flora Fong, as part of her tour around China and where she was previously in Shanghai, Hainan and Guangdong.... More

Havana, May 20 (RHC) -- Tania Delgado Fernandez is as of Saturday the new director of the International Festival of New Latin American Cinema, which Cuba has been organizing since 1979 and is considered one of the most renowned in the region. ... More

Havana, May 19 (RHC)-- Dedicated to the care of the environment and creative women for children, the IV International Meeting of Arts for Children "Corazon Feliz" ("Happy Heart") will be held from May 24 to 28th in different parts of our country.... More

Rome, May 19 (RHC)-- The 6th Timbalaye International Forum taking place today in Italy "is a hymn to culture," said prominent Cuban intellectual Miguel Barnet, who is here as guest of honor at the event.... More

Madrid, May 18 (RHC)-- Hundreds of people expressed Thursday solidarity and support for the Cuban musical group Buena Fe, whose tour in Spain was cut short due to harassment, violence and censorship by the enemies of the Revolution.... More

Havana, May 18 (RHC)-- The Chapter Acts of the Havana City Hall were inscribed Thursday in the International Memory of the World Register and declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) for their high historical value.... More

Havana, May 18 (RHC)-- The National Museum of Music in Havana presented Thursday the Museum of the Year Award and recognitions to specialists and institutions that work for the welfare and sustainable development of the community.... More

Los Angeles, May 17 (RHC) -- The Disney+ platform has already scheduled the release date of the new sequel to Avatar, another of the blockbusters to which James Cameron has accustomed us since Titanic.... More

Brasilia, May 17 (RHC)-- U.S. singer Dionne Warwick, one of the most iconic and talented performers in the history of music, will perform in Brasilia on May 23, the Metropoles website confirmed Wednesday.... More

Havana, May 17 (RHC) --The Cinemateca de Cuba continues this Wednesday and through May 28 with new batches of the cycle on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of its inclusion as a full member of the International Federation of Film Archives.... More

Mexico City, May 17 (RHC) -- La Jornada newspaper published today an interview with official Silvia Olivera, who is leading on the Mexican side the process of Cuba and Mexico's proposal to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO, with a view to proclaiming the bolero intangible cultural heritage of humanity.... More

Havana, May 17 (RHC)-- Barbadian writer George Lamming's relations with Cuba's Casa de las Americas will be the focus of today's activities at the IX International Colloquium on Cultural Diversity in the Caribbean, held at the Cuban institution.... More

Sucre, May 16 (RHC)-- Bolivia's Deputy Minister of Communications, Gabriela Alcón, headed Tuesday the presentation at the Plurinational School of Public Management -EGPP-, of five academic programs aimed at strengthening the capacities of press workers.... More

Paris, May 16 (RHC) -- The 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival kicks off Tuesday at the Grand Théâtre Lumière on the paradisiacal French Riviera, where U.S. actor Michael Douglas will receive the honorary Palme d'Or for his illustrious career.... More

Havana, May 16 (RHC)-- As a tribute to Cuba's National Hero, 128 years after his fall in combat, the presentation of the book José Martí: un cubano a prueba de grilletes (José Martí: a shackle-proof Cuban) was held on Tuesday in Havana.... More
