Mexican government finalizes purchase of Deer Park Refinery in U.S.

Edited by Ed Newman
2022-01-21 23:59:07


​Pemex indicated that by acquiring Shell's 50.005 percent shareholding, the Mexican State will have full ownership of this facility.

Mexico City, January 22 (RHC)--The Mexican government announced this Friday that it finalized the operation for the purchase, by the company Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), of the Deer Park refinery, located in the U.S. state of Texas.

During his press conference, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured that "what was due was paid for the people of Mexico to own the Deer Park refinery (...) That is very good news because it was a very good operation."

"It is a historic fact that we are now buying, even in a symbolic way, only a company, a refinery, but it is a complete turnaround in our country's policy," said the Mexican president.

For its part, Pemex published a statement to ratify that the operation was completed, which represents for the country "a strategic action of the Mexican Government to achieve energy sovereignty in the country."

"The total purchase of the Deer Park refinery, located in Houston, Texas, was successfully closed with the acquisition of Shell's 50.005 percent shareholding, which means that the Mexican State will have total ownership of this facility, which is, as of today, under the control of Pemex."

In turn, the director of Pemex, Octavio Romero Oropeza, emphasized that Deer Park produces more than 250,000 barrels per day of gasoline, diesel and gasoline -- "a great contribution to the energy sovereignty program that will lead us to be self-sufficient in the production of fuels."

This action is in addition to the plan to promote energy development promoted by the Mexican government, which includes the construction of the new Dos Bocas refinery, which will have the capacity to process 340,000 barrels per day, as well as the rehabilitation of other refineries.



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