Malian Deputy Prime Minister Abdoulaye Maiga calls for human dignity

Edited by Ed Newman
2024-09-28 22:37:08


Mali's Deputy Prime Minister Abdoulaye Maiga, speaking at the UN General Assembly, has called for a reform of the United Nations architecture and global governance institutions, and highlighted alternative models such as the BRICS group. 

United Nations, September 29 (RHC)-- Mali's Deputy Prime Minister Abdoulaye Maiga, addressing the UN General Assembly, has called for a reform of the United Nations architecture and global governance institutions, and highlighted alternative models such as the BRICS group. 

Abdoulaye Maiga referred to the need to stop terrorism in Africa and the world, condemned the indiscriminate use of force by the Israeli army in the occupied Palestinian territories, and called for political solutions to internal conflicts in African countries.

Mali's Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State and Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralization, Abdoulaye Maiga, spoke out on Saturday in favor of working side by side to promote peace, sustainable development and human dignity, for the sake of present and future generations.

The Malian leader spoke during the 79th session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York.  He recalled that tensions and wars threaten the security of his continent. In this regard, he commented that since 2012, the African country has been facing the consequences of a multidimensional crisis that has caused losses for more than half of the territory and claimed numerous victims.

He stressed that in 2021, his country launched a process aimed at carrying out, by the people, an exhaustive analysis of the crisis, as well as making it possible to adopt 517 relevant recommendations after having experienced a situation of insecurity that, in his opinion, was imposed by a dangerous State.

He emphasized that Mali has developed a realistic vision of international geopolitics contrary to looting, violence and humiliation, as well as guided by the search for political solutions to territorial military conflicts.  He exemplified the work carried out by the Confederation of Sahel States, made up of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger, based on three central axes: diplomacy, defense and development.

The Malian deputy prime minister stated that his government is concerned about the level of violence in the Middle East, mainly in the occupied Palestinian territories.  He reaffirmed support for the Palestinian people and the two-state solution, so that they can live together in peace, with secure borders recognised internationally.  Furthermore, he condemned the indiscriminate use of force by the Israeli army.

The African leader condemned the precarious situation of refugees and internally displaced persons due to armed conflicts, climate change and natural disasters. He expressed solidarity with neighbouring countries, which he thanked for their hospitality, and assured that his government will spare no effort to help the displaced return in a dignified and safe manner to their places of origin.


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