Nicolás Maduro says that the coup against Gustavo Petro is also to attack Venezuela

Edited by Ed Newman
2024-09-30 22:47:45


Caracas, October 1 (RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro said this Monday that the coup planned against Gustavo Petro to establish a servile government has as one of its objectives to further aggression against Venezuela.

"The United States and the Colombian paramilitaries need Petro out of the presidency when 2025 arrives to use that against the Bolivarian Revolution," said the president.

In this regard, Maduro stated that “this espionage scandal has shown that the same people who want to kill me, want to bring violence and civil war to Venezuela.  The extreme right of Colombia and Venezuela allied to destroy our country, have the same deadlines that have the plans to overthrow Petro.”

Regarding the “Pegasus” espionage system, designed by Israel, the Venezuelan leader emphasized that behind that “there is a great plot and a conspiracy against the Bolivarian Revolution,” in a context in which “terrorist incursions against Venezuela were also prepared.”

In addition, he denounced that "behind all the plans against Venezuela, President Gustavo Petro in Colombia, the left and progressive forces of Latin America, there is the United States of America, the paramilitaries, the extreme right, that is, the Fascist International."

Meanwhile, Nicolás Maduro said that they want to put in place an enemy government, while he urged the Colombian people not to allow the president to be overthrown.

Maduro also claimed that “the democratic, socialist and Bolivarian revolution is continuing its course.  It decided that the Constitution must be respected.  In Venezuela, the law, the Constitution and the will of the people will be fulfilled.”

President Nicolas Maduro said that the United Nations has entered a vacuum and a process of wear and tear.  For several years, the countries of the South have questioned the United Nations, in order to make an assessment of the 79th UN General Assembly.

The decision-making bodies are vetoed and are colonized, stressed Maduro, while pointing out that spokesmen and key positions end up playing against the interests of the peoples of the world.

The empire was unleashed against China, Russia, is delivering weapons so that the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu Netanyahu destroys, first Gaza and now Lebanon. “A scenario worse than that of Nazi Germany,” he said.  

“It is a war against the Arab peoples.  To colonize the Middle East.  The threats against Iran, the criminal attacks against Yemen.  There is a project of domination and colonization of the Arab-Muslim world and the Middle East to control the sources of energy,” said Maduro.

Faced with this scenario, the president said that “we are going to a process of hard resistance.  And of victory on all battle fronts.  The decline of the imperial decadence of the West.”

And the Venezuelan president stressed that we have resumed the rhythm and we are going to make a country that exports energy through gas.  He confirmed that the world needs Venezuela in its energy equation for stability.

“We are the only ones who provide security for investments and for the production of energy, oil and gas in South America (…) the world's investors know this,” said Maduro, while reporting that Venezuela is on the “doorstep of certifying the fourth largest gas reserve in the world.”

Venezuela is also ready “with international strategic associations to begin exporting gas, with the agreements signed with Trinidad and Tobago and investors from around the world.”


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