Venezuelan President Responds to Latest U.S. Accusations

Edited by Ivan Martínez
2015-03-10 15:35:54


Caracas, March 10 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro responded late Monday to the United States government declaring his country a “national security threat.”

Maduro rejected President Barack Obama's measure and explained the executive order signed by the U.S. president coincided with a failed cupo attempt in Venezuela last month, which had links to U.S. citizens.

“After we dismantled the coup attempt … the U.S. and President Barack Obama … decided to personally fulfill the task of ousting my government,” Maduro said.

The Venezuelan head of state said that, according to intelligence reports he had received recently, over the last nine days, “many meetings were held between the Department of State and the White House,” to discuss measures to be taken against his government.

Highlighting the hypocrisy of Obama’s executive order, Maduro called the statement “a Frankenstein, a monster,” as on the one hand it heavily criticizes Venezuela, and on the other it ends with Obama vowing to build a better relationship with the South American country.

Speaking from the Miraflores Palace, the president described the U.S. measure as the most aggressive step taken yet, largely inspired by Washington's frustration and desperation.

Maduro further criticized Washington's announcement by pointing out that the U.S. is a bigger threat to the world.

“You are the real threat, who trained and created Osama Bin Laden … you are the people who created al-Qaida,” said Maduro. Bin Laden was trained by the CIA during the late 1970s to fight the Soviet army in Afghanistan.

Maduro pointed out that the U.S. has issued 105 statements on Venezuela over the past year, of which half were explicitly supporting opposition politicians. The Venezuelan president reiterated previous calls he had publicly made to his U.S. counterpart, urging him not to take the path of intervention that his predecessors took in Latin America.

“I've told Mr. Obama, how do you want to be remembered? Like Richard Nixon, who ousted Salvador Allende in Chile? Like President Bush, responsible for ousting President Chavez? … Well President Obama, you already made your choice … you will be remembered like President Nixon.”

According to Venezuela's intelligence sources, Maduro explained, a politcal agreement was brokered in December last year, between opposition lawmakers and the government, which marked the beginning of the coup plot that was thwarted last month. The opposition lawmakers broke the agreement after they received a phone call, which Maduro revealed Monday came from the U.S. Embassy in Caracas.

By then, the president said: “We knew who had called and from where they had called, and in what language they spoke.”


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