United Nations Concerned Over 'Deteriorated Situation' in Mexico

Edited by Ivan Martínez
2015-09-16 12:21:34


Mexico City, September 16 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The United Nations team of experts that formed the Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances Work Group in Mexico has presented a report saying they were extremely concerned with the “deteriorated situation” in the country. 

The document was presented to the U.N.'s Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland, and was based on a follow up of the recommendations the group made to the Mexican government after their visit to the country in March 2011.
The experts agreed with a statement made in February by the Enforced Disappearances Committee of the United Nations, when they sustained that based on information gathered by the committee clearly illustrates a context in Mexico of widespread disappearances throughout the country, many of which can be described as enforced disappearances.

The group also noted inconsistencies and a lack of will within the different levels of the Mexican government to accept the true dimension of the problem of enforced disappearances.

They added that equally concerning are the deficient way in which investigations are carried out.

However, they said, despite being inefficient, the investigations revealed just how critical the situation of enforced disappearance is in Mexico as dozens of mass clandestine graves were discovered in various parts of the country.

The U.N. experts said the Mexican government has failed to carry out a national diagnosis of the problem and therefore has no resources, information or a true knowledge of the grave situation as to develop efficient measures to prevent, eradicate, investigate, punish and repair the damages to victims.

The United Nations working group called on Mexican authorities to accept the competency of the Enforced Disappearances Committee to receive and examine information from individuals and government sources at all levels in order to be able to assist and protect all people from being disappeared.

They said this would be in accordance with the International Convention for the Protection of all Persons from Enforced Disappearances.


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