Bachelet's Visit Broadens Chile-Ecuador Cooperation

Edited by Ivan Martínez
2015-10-17 11:50:10

Quito, Oct. 17 (PL-RHC) Ecuador and Chile expanded their cooperation ties with the recently concluded visit to Quito by President Michelle Bachelet and the 4th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Binational Council.

Bachelet and her counterpart, Rafael Correa, issued a joint statement to confirm the will of their governments to strengthen bilateral relations.

Relations between Ecuador and Chile have always been close and now enjoy a high level, Correa stated.

Correa stressed the Chilean President's coincided with the 4th Meeting of the Inter-Ministerial Binational Council, which aim to carry out contribution agreements and mutual aid for the benefit of our peoples.

Eleven cooperation agreements were signed, and as part of them, 108 Ecuadorian archaeological pieces that were delivered by the Chilean side were recovered, thanked the statesman.

It was noted the signing of the Convention for recognition of professional qualifications will allow Ecuadorans living in Chile to validate their credentials.

Correa said he fully agrees with Bachelet in supporting the regional integration mechanisms such as the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States and the Union of South American Nations. Also, he advocated a peaceful resolution of differences with Bolivia.

Before returning to Chile, Bachelet received from the head of the National Assembly of Ecuador, Gabriela Rivadeneira, the award Manuela Sáenz, in honor to her social and political trajectory.

The medal is a recognition of the Ecuadorian legislature to former and current heads of state and presidents and former presidents of parliaments for their leadership, political work and social conviction in favor of contemporary societies.


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