Doha, June 20 (RHC)-- Iran's Interim Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri Kani says Palestinian resistance groups must make use of their entire capacities to force Israel to pay a heavier price for its aggression in the Gaza Strip.... More

Tel Aviv, June 20 (RHC)-- Israel’s military spokesman has exposed a widening rift between the country’s political and army leadership, questioning Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s stated goal of destroying Hamas in the Gaza Strip for the war to end.... More

Beirut, June 20 (RHC)-- Lebanon’s resistance movement Hezbollah has launched a fresh barrage of more than a dozen projectiles into the northern occupied territories in retaliation for Israel’s attacks in southern Lebanon... More

Amid Israel's genocidal war on Gaza, which has killed at least 37,431 Palestinians so far, including around 16,000 children, resistance groups in Palestine and across the region continue their operations against the Tel Aviv regime and its Western backers.... More

Beirut, June 20 (RHC)--  The Lebanese Hezbollah resistance forces have conducted a strike against Israeli military positions in the northern side of the 1948 occupied territories in retaliation for a deadly attack on a town in southern Lebanon.... More

Gaza City, June 20 (RHC)-- The Israeli regime’s starvation scheme in the besieged Gaza Strip has put thousands of Palestinian children at risk of death.  More than 3,500 Palestinian children are at risk of starving to death due to the extreme shortage of milk, nutritional supplements, vaccines and children’s food in the Gaza Strip, the media office in the territory warned.... More

Gaza City, June 20 (RHC)-- Israel’s savage military campaign has knocked out much of Gaza’s health sector and reduced its clinical capacity by 70 percent, the Ministry of Health in the besieged territory says.  As a result, Gaza is relying more on field hospitals, which often lack basic services, to treat patients unable to find spots in hospitals, the ministry said in a statement on Tuesday.... More

Ramallah, June 20 (RHC)-- According to media reports, Israel tortured 48 Palestinians to death in its detention centers.  Thirty-six of the victims lost their lives inside the regime’s notorious military-run Sde Teiman detention camp.  These figures do not include Palestinians from Gaza who died in prisons operated by the Israel Prison Service.... More

Gaza City, June 20 (RHC)-- A prominent physician from Gaza was killed in November while under interrogation by Israel’s internal spy agency Shin Bet.... More

London, June 20 (RHC)-- Two climate protesters were arrested for spraying orange paint on the ancient Stonehenge monument, a prehistoric UNESCO World Heritage Site in southern England, police have said.... More

Tehran, June 20 (RHC)-- Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani said in a statement on Wednesday that the illegal U.S. action to confiscate and auction the shares of Citgo Petroleum, which is considered a property and asset of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, is as a violation of international law.... More

United Nations, June 20 (RHC)-- The Israeli military’s “deliberate” use of heavy weapons in the Gaza Strip has been an “intentional and direct attack on the civilian population,” a new report by a United Nations-backed independent commission has found.... More

London, June 20 (RHC)-- In news from the British capital, one of the main pieces of evidence against David Morales, the former Spanish soldier whose company spied on Julian Assange and his lawyers during his prolonged stay at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, has disappeared. ... More

Beirut, June 19 (RHC)-- The Lebanese Islamic resistance movement Hezbollah has attacked Israeli military positions north of the occupied Palestinian territories in the evening of this Tuesday and early hours of Wednesday, in response to bombings by the Zionist entity against towns in southern Lebanon.... More

Paris, June 19 (RHC)-- The French government has authorized the sale of electronic equipment for drones used by Israel to bomb civilians in the Gaza Strip, an investigative report says.  The French nonprofit media outlet "Disclose" said in a recent report that the export license for this war equipment “approved by the upper reaches of power” in the country.... More
