Bogota, April 21 (RHC)-- Seventeen people, including three children, have been killed in a mudslide that hit the western part of Colombia, as the South American nation faces a deadly winter. ... More

London, April 21 (RHC)-- According to news reports from London, there has been a significant surge in the number of Britons seeking to become citizens of Ireland, following the Brexit vote. ... More

Brasilia, April 21 (RHC)-- Odebrecht, the Brazilian engineering company at the center of a historic corruption scandal, reportedly paid out a total of about $3.3 billion in bribes in nine years through 2014, according to testimony cited by local media. ... More

Washington, April 21 (RHC)-- In the United States, employees at the Department of Energy's Office of International Climate and Clean Energy have been warned not to use the phrases "climate change," "emissions reduction" or "Paris Agreement" in official communications. ... More

Tel Aviv, April 20 (RHC)-- Israel has approved the construction of 212 new settler units in the occupied Palestinian territories in flagrant disregard of widespread international condemnation.... More

Vatican City, April 20 (RHC)-- Pope Francis has declined unelected President Michel Temer's invitation to visit Brazil. ... More

Baghdad, April 20 (RHC)-- The journalistic monitoring group Airwars says dozens of Iraqi civilians were reportedly killed last week in airstrikes carried out by the U.S.-led coalition or the U.S.-backed Iraqi Air Force.... More

Ramallah, April 20 (RHC)-- As many as 1,500 Palestinian prisoners are now on hunger strike in eight separate Israeli jails. Israeli prison officials have moved to retaliate against strike leader Marwan Barghouti, moving him to another prison and placing him in solitary confinement.... More

New York, April 20 (RHC)-- The longtime Fox News star Bill O’Reilly is out, after more than a half-dozen women accused him of sexual harassment. ... More

Washington, April 20 (RHC)-- Dozens of members of the New England Patriots, including the U.S. football team’s quarterback, Tom Brady, skipped a visit to the White House Super Bowl tribute Wednesday in a rebuke to President Trump. ... More

Caracas, April 19 (RHC)-- Tens of thousands of Venezuelans are marching in Caracas on Wednesday in defense of the Bolivarian Revolution and to reject coup plans by the right-wing opposition. ... More

Tripoli, April 19 (RHC)-- More than two dozen dead asylum seekers have been found by fishermen on a boat off the coast of Libya.... More

London, April 19 (RHC)-- British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson says London will most probably support Washington in the event of further missile strikes on Syria.... More

Paris, April 19 (RHC)-- France's left presidential candidate Jean-Luc Mélenchon, who has been compared to Bernie Sanders, is surging in the polls.... More

British Prime Minister Theresa May

London, April 19 (RHC)-- British Prime Minister Theresa May has announced she'll call for early elections, shocking the country as she tries to secure a stronger mandate for the controversial plan for Britain to leave the European Union, known as Brexit. ... More
