Tokyo, April 19 (RHC)-- U.S. Vice President Mike Pence is in Japan for talks with the deputy prime minister and other top Japanese officials amid rising tensions between the U.S. and North Korea. ... More

Mexico City, April 19 (RHC)-- In Mexico, journalist Maximino Rodríguez has been murdered, making him the fourth Mexican journalist in only six weeks to be assassinated. ... More

Moscow, April 17 (RHC)-- Russia has warned the United States against any "unilateral action" against North Korea, saying any response to Pyongyang's nuclear activities should not violate "international law," amid reports of potential military confrontation between North Korea and the United States.... More

Damascus, April 17 (RHC)-- In Syria, at least 126 people were killed, including 68 children, in a bomb attack targeting a convoy of buses filled with civilians being evacuated from besieged government-held areas near Aleppo.... More

Ramallah, April 17 (RHC)-- As many as 700 Palestinians imprisoned in Israeli jails have launched a hunger strike, with the strike expected to spread.... More

Kabul, April 17 (RHC)-- U.S. National Security Adviser General H.R. McMaster met with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and other top Afghan leaders in the country’s capital Kabul over the weekend... More

Washington, April 17 (RHC)-- The White House says it will keep its visitor logs secret, meaning the public will not be able to know with whom the U.S. president and other top officials are meeting.... More

London, April 17 (RHC)-- Britain is in the grip of a sudden surge in violent crime, Britain’s largest police force has warned, adding that years of budget cuts may at least be partially responsible.... More

Brasilia, April 17 (RHC)-- Brazil's Landless Workers Movement, MST, has launched an international human rights campaign for the release of four political prisoners held since Brazil's crackdown on the social movement last November.... More

San Francisco, April 17 (RHC)-- In the United States, two Wells Fargo executives are being forced by the company’s board to pay back $75 million in compensation over a massive scandal in which Wells Fargo workers created 2 million fake accounts in order to meet grueling sales targets.... More

Washington, April 15 (RHC),-- In the United States, CIA chief Mike Pompeo blasted WikiLeaks Thursday as a "hostile intelligence service," in a stark reversal from his previous praise for the group.... More

Brasilia, April 15 (RHC),-- Brazilian President Michel Temer has signed a decree allowing foreign companies to own 100 percent of local airlines. ... More

Washington, April 15 (RHC),-- NBC News is reporting the Donald Trump administration is prepared to launch a preemptive attack on North Korea if it continues toward a nuclear weapons test.... More

Caracas, April 13 (RHC)-- Venezuela has called on the Organization of American States to condemn violent actions by right-wing opposition forces in the country, highlighting the politically-charged nature of attacks the body continues to launch against the government of President Nicolas Maduro.... More

Syria's Ambassador to the UN, Bashar al-Ja'afari

United Nations, April 13 (RHC)-- Syria's Ambassador to the United Nations, Bashar al-Ja'afari, says the U.S.-led coalition purportedly fighting the Takfiri Daesh terrorist group is targeting Syrian infrastructure and protecting terrorist groups.... More
