Washington, April 7 (RHC)-- U.S. warships fired a barrage of missiles into Syria Thursday evening, in the first direct U.S. assault on the Syrian government since the start of the civil war six years ago.... More

Damascus, April 7 (RHC)-- Syrian President Bashar Assad's office has strongly condemned the U.S. missile attack against a military airfield in the country’s central province of Homs, describing it as “reckless and irresponsible behavior.”... More

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova

Moscow, April 7 (RHC)-- Russia’s Foreign Ministry quickly condemned the U.S. assault on Syria’s government, saying it threatened international security.... More

Buenos Aires, April 7 (RHC)-- Riot police violently clashed with demonstrators Thursday during a national strike that brought Buenos Aires to a standstill as the region's political and economic elites kick off the Latin American edition of the World Economic Forum in the Argentine capital.... More

Caracas, April 7 (RHC)-- In Caracas, the Venezuelan capital, Diosdado Cabello presented evidence of a coup attempt planned by the opposition with terrorist acts and looting. ... More

New York, April 7 (RHC)-- Several more companies, including BMW and Allstate, have pulled their advertising from Fox News' "The O’Reilly Factor" television program days after the New York Times reported Fox and star host Bill O’Reilly paid five women to settle claims he sexually harassed them.... More

Buenos Aires, April 6 (RHC)-- Dozens of Argentinean labor unions and grassroots organizations are on strike Thursday in protest of President Mauricio Macri and his neo-liberal economic policies. ... More

Bogota, April 6 (RHC)-- The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, has presented a list of 6,804 members who are ready to demobilize, as part of the agreements reached under the peace deal.... More

Washington, April 6 (RHC)-- As the Organization of American States continues to threaten Venezuela in the wake of an unusual session used issue a resolution criticizing President Nicolas Maduro's government... More

Quito, April 6 (RHC)-- The head of Ecuador’s National Electoral Council said exit polls were “moral fraud” used to incite current climate of anger, while ignoring official results. ... More

Sanaa, April 6 (RHC)-- In Yemen, aid officials say they're in a race against time to prevent a famine brought on by a U.S.-backed, Saudi-led war and blockade. ... More

San Juan, April 6 (RHC)-- In Puerto Rico, thousands of striking university students packed a coliseum in San Juan Wednesday in an unprecedented national assembly to discuss austerity cuts... More

Brasilia, April 5 (RHC)-- A Brazilian court began proceedings on Tuesday over illegal election campaign financing that could unseat unelected President Michel Temer less than one year after he was installed as head of state through a parliamentary coup against his predecessor Dilma Rousseff.... More

United Nations, April 5 (RHC)-- The United Nations says more than 300,000 Iraqi civilians have fled Mosul amid the ongoing U.S. and Iraqi militaries’ offensive to retake the city from ISIS.... More

Bogota, April 5 (RHC)-- The death toll from mudslides in Colombia’s southern city of Mocoa has risen to 293 with more than 200 injured. ... More
