Brasilia, December 9 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A group of lawmakers who back the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff won an internal election held by the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday to determine the composition of the special committee that will investigate if impeachment proceedings will move forward.... More

Santiago de Chile, December 9 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Chile has signed a decree that will remove marijuana from its list of “hard drugs,” approving its use for medicinal purposes and leaving the door open to discussions about further legalizing the substance.... More

Mexico City, December 9 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Mexican government has proposed a plan to raise some $5 billion to facilitate millions of Mexicans who reside in the United States gain U.S. citizenship, according to news reports on Tuesday.... More

Brasilia, December 8 (RHC)-- Cuba highlighted its achievements in education, health and other sectors for the country's Black population, despite the U.S.-imposed blockade, during a United Nations meeting on Afro-descendants that took place in the Brazilian capital.... More

United Nations, December 8 (RHC)-- Russia has called on the United Nations Security Council to hold closed-door discussions on Turkish military actions in Syria and Iraq. UN officials say that tensions have been running high between Ankara and Moscow following the recent shooting down of a Russian bomber by a Turkish warplane. ... More

Caracas, December 8 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Following Sunday’s parliamentary electoral loss, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro met with Bolivarian governors and ministers and called for a range of consultation methods in order to strengthen the Bolivarian movement.... More

Cairo, December 8 (RHC)-- An explosion in Egypt's volatile Sinai Peninsula has killed four soldiers and injured four others as deadly violence continues unabated in the region, a report says. ... More

Ramallah, December 8 (RHC)-- In the Occupied West Bank, Israeli troops have shot and killed two Palestinians. On Tuesday, Palestinian medical sources say Israeli troops shot and killed 19-year-old Malik Shaheen during a raid in the Dheisheh Refugee Camp in Bethlehem. ... More

Tel Aviv, December 8 (RHC)-- An investigation by an Israeli daily reveals that U.S. donors have channeled over 200 million dollars into Israeli illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank in recent years. ... More

Ottawa, December 8 (RHC)-- Canada's new government says it will uphold its election campaign promise and withdraw the country's fighter jets which have been targeting purported Daesh targets in Iraq and Syria. The six war planes will be withdrawn over the next few weeks, Reuters cited Canadian Foreign Minister Stephane Dion as saying on Monday. ... More

Berlin, December 8 (RHC)-- An arson attack on a refugee camp in the German state of Thuringia has left at least ten asylum seekers, including a baby, injured. ... More

Washington, December 8 (RHC)-- U.S. Republican presidential front runner Donald Trump calls for a "total and complete shutdown of Muslims" entering the United States, following last week's mass shooting in California. ... More

Washington, December 8 (RHC)-- Donald Trump's proposal to ban all Muslims from entering the United States quickly drew comparisons to policies enacted by Nazi Germany against the Jews and condemnation from both Republican and Democratic candidates, as well as an array of civil society groups. ... More

United Nations, December 8 (RHC)-- The United Nations has asked for $20 billion to respond to greatest mass displacement of people since World War II. This the largest appeal to address forced displacement that the United Nations has ever launched. ... More

Vienna, December 8 (RHC)-- Austria has started initial works for erecting a fence at a crossing point on its southern border used by refugees, a first such barrier in Europe’s passport-free travel zone. ... More
