Quito, December 8 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Despite international threats to progressive politics and regional integration, the left in Latin America is far from over, said Ecuador’s Minister of Culture Guillaume Long on Tuesday in the wake of a right-wing opposition win in Venezuela’s parliamentary elections.... More

Buenos Aires, December 8 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Argentina's president-elect Mauricio Macri has backtracked on an election pledge to seek to suspend Venezuela from the MERCOSUR regional bloc, according to reports from Buenos Aires.... More

United Nations, December 8 (RHC)-- Latin America must take enormous steps in order to reverse the lingering impacts of nearly five centuries of racial discrimination towards Latin America’s Afro-descendant population, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein stated on Monday.... More

Bogotá, December 8 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Delegates from the FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia) rebel movement traveled to the town of Bojaya to personally ask the local residents for forgiveness for a 2002 accident that killed approximately 80 people.... More

Caracas, December 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuela's right-wing has won a majority in the country's National Assembly during parliamentary elections on Sunday.... More

Washington, Washington, December 7 (RHC)-- U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a live speech from the Oval Office Sunday night, calling last Wednesday’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, an act of terrorism. ... More

London, December 7 (RHC)-- In London, police are investigating Saturday’s knife attack on a man at an East London metro station as a terrorist attack. British police say they were told the attacker shouted, "This is for Syria." ... More

Paris, December 7 (RHC)-- In France, Marine Le Pen’s far-right party, the National Front, secured 30 percent of the vote in the first round of regional elections on Sunday, marking a major boost for the anti-immigration party. ... More

Paris, December 7 (RHC)-- At the United Nations climate change summit in Paris, France, negotiators have approved draft text for what they hope will form an accord to curb global carbon emissions by the end of this week. ... More

Paris, December 7 (RHC)-- New figures show that worldwide, an average of one person is displaced by climate-related weather events every single second. ... More

Brussels, December 7 (RHC)-- Ten thousand people marched in the Belgian city of Ostend on Sunday, calling for an ambitious accord at the UN climate summit. ... More

Helsinki, December 7 (RHC)-- People have taken to the streets in the Finnish capital, Helsinki, to stage a demonstration against policies adopted by the European Union (EU) on refugees. ... More

New Delhi, December 7 (RHC)-- In India, the air force has resumed rescue operations in the southern state of Tamil Nadu as heavy rains and flooding continue. The state is experiencing the worst flooding in a century, which has killed more than 250 people. ... More

United Nations, December 7 (RHC)-- The United Nations has voiced alarm over dire living conditions in South Sudan’s war-zone regions, saying tens of thousands of people there are facing death by starvation. ... More

Roanoke, December 7 (RHC)-- Mayor David Bowers of the U.S. city of Roanoke, Virginia, has sparked outrage after he cited the widespread internment of Japanese Americans during World War II in order to justify suspending the resettlement of Syrian refugees to his city. ... More
