Sao Paulo, May 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The drought in the Brazilian metropolis of Sao Paulo has become so severe that local authorities are considering bringing in military personnel to cope with the possible social chaos. ... More

Lima, May 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Protesters from the Peruvian region of Arequipa entered their 44th day of an indefinite strike on Wednesday against a copper-silver mining project, one day after clashes resulted in the death of a protester. Henry Checlla, 35, became the second victim in protests against the Tia Maria project. ... More

Mexico City, May 7 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Popular Revolutionary Army (EPR), one of Mexico's oldest guerrilla organizations, has called on the Mexican people to abstain from voting in the upcoming elections in the country on June 7th. ... More

Colombian Teachers to End Strike

Bogota, May 7 (Xinhua-RHC)-- Colombia's Minister of Education Gina Parody announced on Wednesday that a preliminary agreement, including a wage increase, with the Colombian Federation of Education Workers was reached to end the ongoing 14-day strike.... More

Santiago de Chile, May 7 (NNN-RHC)-- Battling a series of political scandals, Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has asked all her ministers to resign and says she will soon choose a new cabinet. ... More

La Paz, May 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Legal representatives on behalf of the Bolivian government presented their arguments on Wednesday before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague, calling on the Chilean government to negotiate Bolivia’s claim of sovereign access to the sea. ... More

Kabul, May 6 (RHC)-- At least two people have been killed and four others wounded in a bomb explosion that destroyed their vehicle in Afghanistan's eastern province of Ghazni. ... More

Mexico City, May 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- At least 103 Central American migrants who were apparently kidnapped and held captive in a security home in the central State of Mexico were rescued after one of the individuals abducted managed to escape and alert authorities, Reforma newspaper reported on Wednesday. ... More

Bogota, May 6 (RHC)-- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, through an executive order, has approved the extradition of Leiver Padilla Mendoza, also known as ‘El Colombia,’ to Venezuela. ... More

Nairobi, May 6 (RHC)-- At least 46 people have been killed in fierce fighting between rival ethnic groups in the troubled northwestern part of Kenya. Members of the Pokot ethnic group attacked a village of the Turkana group in the Turkana region on Monday. Turkana is located in the Rift Valley Province of Kenya. ... More

Abuja, May 6 (RHC)-- Nigerian soldiers have rescued more than two dozen women and children from the Boko Haram Takfiri militant group in the northeastern state of Borno. The army issued a statement on Wednesday saying that at least 25 people held by the militants were rescued during an operation in the Sambisa Forest, which is considered a Boko Haram stronghold south of the major city of Maiduguri. ... More

Lima, May 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A leading human rights lawyer and professor have denounced the high levels of big business influence in the Peruvian government. The criticisms come after one of the rare incidences of a business leader being sentenced for crimes committed in the country. ... More

Kathmandu, May 6 (RHC)-- In Nepal, the death toll from a 7.8-magnitude earthquake has topped 7,700. Scores of bodies have been discovered in the remote village of Langtang along a popular Himalayan trekking route. It’s believed the entire village was wiped out. ... More

Quito, May 6 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Foreign ministers and representatives of the 33 Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) have met in Quito to discuss Ecuador's proposals for five regional objectives to be met by the year 2020. ... More

Washington, May 6 (RHC)-- A new analysis of documents leaked by former NSA spy Edward Snowden sheds light on sophisticated software used by the agency to turn phone call speech into words. ... More
