Mexico City, May 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto congratulated journalists in Mexico on the International Day of Freedom of Expression, a statement that was widely criticized in social media and other networks as cynical and hypocritical as the country has the lowest rating in Latin American for freedom of press and is one of the most dangerous countries in the world to exercise the profession. ... More

Mexico City, May 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Mexico is a country riddled with violence and while the war against drugs declared in 2006 has left close to 70,000 deaths, in recent days a spike in crime-related clashes and actions have been registered in various states, including Jalisco, Guanajuato, Colima and again in Guerrero, where a total of over 13 people have died, two have been kidnapped and three soldiers disappeared. ... More

Liverpool, May 4 (RHC)-- A group of UK activists occupying an empty Bank of England building in Liverpool says police are trying to stave them out. The anti-austerity "Love Activists" had entered the building in April to stage a protest and help provide shelters for the homeless of Liverpool when they came under police siege and were refused delivery of food and water. ... More

La Paz, May 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Bolivian President Evo Morales encouraged faculty and students from the Cochabamba- based Indigenous University of Bolivia (UNIBOL) to embrace Bolivian national identity on Sunday. In efforts to achieve this, Morales emphasized the importance of “deep ideological reflection” with respect to national identity. ... More

Jersey City, May 4 (RHC)-- Two former allies of New Jersey Governor and possible Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie have been indicted on federal charges over their role in lane closings on the George Washington bridge. ... More

La Paz, May 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Bolivian voters from the states of Tarija and Beni went to the ballot box on Sunday in order to elect public officials in the country's gubernatorial run-off elections. ... More

Washington, May 4 (RHC)-- Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina has announced her bid for the Republican presidential nomination. She is the second woman to enter the presidential race, after former secretary of state Hillary Clinton. ... More

Bogota, May 4 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos said he will consider the recommendation of the Ministry of Health and suspend the use of Monsanto's herbicide used in the fight against illicit coca crops in the country. The product, which contains the glyphosate, has been recently classified as carcinogenic by the World Health Organization. ... More

Sanaa, May 2 (RHC)-- Fresh Saudi airstrikes against the Yemeni people have claimed the lives of at least 30 civilians in the capital city of Sanaa.... More

Mexico City, May 2, (RHC), – At least three soldiers and one police officer were killed Friday in the state of Jalisco during clashes between a gang, police and the army, according to authorities.... More

Abuja, May 2 (RHC)-- Nigeria has rescued 234 women and children from a Boko Haram militant stronghold in the restive northeastern state of Borno, the army says.... More

La Paz, May 2, (RHC-Telesur), – Bolivian President Evo Morales announced various salary increases on Friday in honor of International Workers’ Day. The national minimum wage will increase by 15 percent from US$208 to US$239 and the general salary by 8.5 percent.... More

Baltimore, May 2 (RHC)-- In the U.S. city of Baltimore, a total of six police officers have been charged in the high-profile death of African-American Freddie Gray whose spine was nearly severed while under police custody.... More

Sanaa, May 2, (RHC), – A branch of the Islamic State in Yemen has released footage showing the beheadings of four Yemeni soldiers and the shooting of 11 others, an observer said. It comes a week after the group declared its official presence in the war-torn country.... More

Ramallah, May 2 (RHC)-- Israeli forces clashed with Palestinian demonstrators protesting against the Israeli settlement building in the occupied West Bank territories, injuring several protesters.... More
