Tripoli, April 21 (RHC)-- An apparent bomb blast has reportedly gone off across from the Spanish Embassy in the Libyan capital of Tripoli amid the ongoing unrest in the war-ravaged North African country. ... More

Sanaa, April 21 (RHC)-- The United States has dispatched its warships near Yemen as Saudi Arabia's aggression continues against the Arab world's poorest country. U.S. Central Command moved the ships due to the situation in Yemen, said Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, on Monday, further denying reports that the move aimed at the interception of Iranian ships present in the region. ... More

Quito, April 21 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Nobel Peace Prize winner and internationally renowned indigenous rights activist Rigoberta Menchu will address audiences in Washington D.C. in a show of support for the Ecuadorean people's fight for justice against the Chevron multinational oil company.... More

Damascus, April 21 (RHC)-- The UN Security Council has called for humanitarian access to Palestinian refugees trapped inside Syria's violence-hit camp of Yarmouk, which has come under severe attacks by Takfiri militants. ... More

Sanaa, April 21 (RHC)-- At least 40 people have been killed and 547 more injured as Saudi jets target a missile depot in the Yemeni capital city of Sanaa. Earlier reports of the Monday attack on the missile depot in Faj Attan district, located on the outskirts of the capital, had put the death toll at 18. ... More

United Nations, April 21 (RHC)-- The UN's High Commissioner for human rights says "callous" EU migration policies are turning the Mediterranean into a "vast cemetery" as migrant death toll is skyrocketing. "Europe is turning its back on some of the most vulnerable migrants in the world, and risk turning the Mediterranean into a vast cemetery," Zeid Ra'ad Zeid al-Hussein said on Monday. ... More

Kiev, April 21 (RHC)-- U.S. paratroopers have begun training Ukrainian forces who are battling pro-Russian rebels in the country’s east. ... More

Tel Aviv, April 21 (RHC)-- Israeli President Reuven Rivlin and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have turned down a request from former U.S. President Jimmy Carter to meet during his upcoming visit to the occupied Palestinian territories because of Carter's 'anti-Israeli' stance, a report says. ... More

Paris, April 21 (RHC)-- A French passenger train traveling from Paris to Belfort has slammed into a truck, leaving 32 people injured. A local government source told AFP that the number of dead in the crash was “around thirty with light injuries ... and two people with more serious injuries, the train driver and a passenger." ... More

Washington, April 21 (RHC)-- Over 50 disability rights activists have been arrested at a protest in Washington, D.C. ... More

San Francisco, April 21 (RHC)-- Wal-Mart workers have accused the retailer of closing down five stores in order to suppress growing calls for a living wage and benefits. ... More

Caracas, April 21 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Ahead of parliamentary elections set to take place this year, Venezuelan political parties began their primaries Monday with the governing United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) announcement that it had received some 46,000 candidate registrations.... More

Mexico City, April 21 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Mexican state security forces are once again under heavy scrutiny after three media outlets published material Sunday that says the Federal Police massacred 16 unarmed people in two separate, but related attacks in January. ... More

Lima, April 21 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The International Monetary Fund and the World Bank have selected Peru as the location for the next meeting of the organizations, to be held from October 5-12, 2015. ... More

Caracas, April 21 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuela has secured a new $5 billion loan from China that will be repaid with crude oil and refined products, President Nicolas Maduro confirmed on Sunday. ... More
