Belmopan, April 21 (EFE-RHC)-- The Caribbean Court of Justice, or CCJ, began itinerant sessions in Belize on Monday for the first time to ensure that it was “accessible to the people of the Caribbean Community, which it serves.”... More

Rome, April 20 (RHC)-- A sinking boat carrying more than 300 people in the Mediterranean Sea has dispatched a distress signal amid fears that at least 20 have died in the disaster. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) reported receiving the signal on Monday, saying the call had come from one of three boats floating near each other. ... More

Santo Domingo, April 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A farmer's advocacy organization in the Dominican Republic accused the military on Friday of carrying out forced land dispossessions. ... More

Baghdad, April 20 (RHC)-- At least 14 people have been killed by bombings and mortar fire, targeting various public places around the Iraqi capital Baghdad. Officials said that the most lethal attack took place on Sunday night when a car bomb went off on a busy commercial street in Baghdad, killing six and injuring another 13. ... More

Buenos Aires, April 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The remains, found one year before in what used to be a detention center in the central province of Cordoba, were identified as a university student assassinated in 1975, one year before the military coup, judicial sources explained on Friday. ... More

Baghdad, April 20 (RHC)-- In Iraq, an estimated 90,000 people have fled the province of Anbar over a period of several days, as the city of Ramadi appears to be on the verge of falling to the self-proclaimed Islamic State. ISIL forces have seized towns around Ramadi, which lies 60 miles west of Baghdad. ... More

Berlin, April 20 (RHC)-- A new report by The Intercept and Der Spiegel has revealed the U.S. military base in Ramstein, Germany, is the "high-tech heart" of the U.S. drone program. ... More

New York, April 20 (RHC)-- Tens of thousands of people marched around the world Saturday on a global day of action against a massive free trade deal being negotiated between the United States and Europe. ... More

Washington, April 20 (RHC)-- The U.S. State Department has acknowledged it reached out to corporate media executives for help countering narratives put forth by the self-proclaimed Islamic State and by Russia. ... More

London, April 20 (RHC)-- Opinion polls ahead of the UK general elections on May 7th show no party is set to win an overall majority as both leading parties, Labour and Tories, are neck-and-neck with around 30 percent support. ... More

United Nations, April 20 (RHC)-- The number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine has exceeded 1.2 million, the United Nations says as the crisis in the country's eastern parts enters its second year. ... More

Roseau, April 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The indigenous people of Dominica are proud of their history and are preparing to portray the culture, color and traditions that make them unique. They will host the first ever Kalinago Indigenous Festival, which will include an art and craft exhibition, an agriculture exposition, a traditional sports day and canoe race and a grand ceremony to honor Kalinago elders.... More

Santiago de Chile, April 20 (EFE-RHC)-- Under the slogan “The future is today,” Chile opened a large-scale robotics show that presents projects and research “made in Chile” and concrete technological solutions for present and future challenges.... More

Managua, April 20 (EFE-RHC)-- Some 200 people and their pets took to the streets of Managua on the weekend to call for implementation of the Animal Welfare and Protection Law and tougher punishment for those who abuse animals.... More

Mexico City, April 20 (XINHUA-RHC)-- Mexican police arrested Jesus Salas, leader of a drug cartel, Mexico's National Security Commission confirmed on Sunday.... More
