Rio de Janeiro, April 20 (EFE-RHC)-- A vice president of construction company Camargo Correa told Brazilian prosecutors that he paid $36 million in bribes to officials of state-controlled oil company Petrobras, the press reported, citing a document prepared by prosecutors.... More

Tripoli, April 18 (RHC)-- At least 14 soldiers have lost their lives and another 24 have been wounded during the Libyan National Army’s assaults on a camp occupied by the Islamist Fajr Libya (Libya Dawn) militants in the capital Tripoli, a military source says.... More

BOGOTA, April 18, (RHC-XINHUA) -- Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos on Friday urged the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrillas to "set a deadline" for the peace process that was initiated two years ago.... More

Washington, April 18 (RHC)-- The leader of the U.S. House of Representatives says he hopes the White House fails to reach a final agreement with Iran over its nuclear energy program. ... More

Buenos Aires, April 18, (RHC), -- Argentine Minister of Malvinas informed Friday that an Argentine judge will soon open the prosecution against three UK-based oil companies conducting exploratory activities in the Malvinas Islands, and possibly two others from the U.S. ... More

Baghdad, April 17 (RHC)-- Iraqi security forces battled militants with the self-proclaimed Islamic State Thursday inside Iraq’s largest oil refinery. The United States has been conducting airstrikes in the area around the Baiji refinery. ... More

Santiago de Chile, April 17 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A large march of over 150,000 people called by student leaders to demand free, quality, public education and to reject the meddling of corrupt politicians was met with police repression on Thursday. ... More

Sanaa, April 17 (RHC)-- In Yemen, al-Qaeda fighters have seized an airport, military base and oil export terminal as they continue to gain ground in the country’s south. ... More

Quito, April 17 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Ecuador's President Rafael Correa announced on Thursday that Francisco Borja, brother of former President Rodrigo Borja, will be the new ambassador to the United States. ... More

Washington, April 17 (RHC)-- WikiLeaks has published a full searchable database of more than 170,000 e-mails from Sony Pictures Entertainment. The documents first came to light last year following a hack U.S. officials blamed on the North Korean government. ... More

Washington, April 17 (RHC)-- In the United States, a 61-year-old mailman who flew a gyrocopter onto the lawn of the U.S. Capitol in a call for campaign finance reform has been released pending federal charges. ... More

Vatican City, April 17 (RHC)-- The Vatican has ended its takeover of the largest group of U.S. nuns two years early, marking an apparent move by Pope Francis to heal ties with the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. ... More

Madrid, April 17 (RHC)-- In Spain, authorities detained former International Monetary Fund director Rodrigo Rato and searched his home and office as part of a probe into money laundering. ... More

Washington, April 17 (RHC)-- The cost of military operations by the United States against the ISIL Takfiri terrorists in Iraq and Syria has surpassed the $2 billion mark, the Pentagon reports. ... More

Athens, April 17 (RHC)-- Thousands of workers employed at a Canadian-run gold mine in northern Greece have staged a demonstration in the Greek capital, Athens, in protest against a decision by the incumbent leftist government to revoke the company's license. ... More
