London, April 13 (teleSUR-RHC) British troops have completed a test-raid on the Malvinas Islands, the UK newspaper The Express reported on Sunday. ... More

Washington, April 13 (RHC)-- Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says she is running for the president of the United States in 2016, starting her bid to become the first woman to win the White House. "I'm running for president," Clinton said in a video on her campaign website on Sunday afternoon, officially launching a vigorous effort to secure the Democratic nomination for the 2016 elections, seven years after a bitter defeat to Barack Obama.... More

Mexico City, April 13 (teleSUR-RHC) The Mexican Commission for the Defense and Promotion of Human Rights (CDPHR), an NGO based in Mexico City, has released a new report showing that more than 4,000 cases of torture have been filed to the federal General Attorney’s office over the past eight years. ... More

Tokyo, April 13 (RHC)-- A newly-released poll shows an overwhelming majority of residents on the Japanese island of Okinawa are against the relocation of a controversial U.S. military base there. The survey published by the newspaper Japan Times revealed that 76.1 percent of Okinawa residents are against “the construction of a new base” in the Henoko district of the southern city of Nago as a replacement for the U.S. Futenma base.... More

KABUL, April 13 (RHC) -- More than 20 security personnel had been killed, some of them beheaded by Taliban militants couple of days ago in Jarm district of Badakhshan province, 315 km northeast of Kabul.... More

MOSCOW, April 13 (Xinhua) -- At least 15 people were killed and over 120 others were injured in wildfires sweeping through Russia's southern Siberian Republic of Khakassia, local authorities said Monday.... More

Baltimore, April 13 (RHC)-- Low-income U.S. residents in Baltimore, Maryland are being threatened with having their water shut off if they fail to pay outstanding bills, a move critics say is a clear violation of human rights. With little notice and no public hearings, more than 25,000 households in Baltimore may suddenly lose their access to water for owing bills of $250 or more starting this week. The majority of these households are occupied by low income or very poor residents.... More

La Paz, April 13 (teleSUR-RHC) President Evo Morales blamed U.S. President Barack Obama for the Summit of the Americas ending without a final declaration on his return to Bolivia on Sunday. “One point (in the drafted declaration) was important: health as a human right, and the U.S. government did not accept that health should be considered a human right … President Obama did not accept the document,” explained Morales. ... More

Quito, April 13 (teleSUR-RHC) The contradictory actions by U.S. President Barack Obama in Latin America are incoherent, Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa told teleSUR, in an exclusive interview. ... More

Panama City, Apr 11, (RHC), -- The presidents of Venezuela and the United States, Niclas Maduro and Barack Obama, respectively, held a closed-door meeting beside the official program of the Summit of the Americas, to discuss the escalation of tensions between the two countries.... More

Panama City, Apr 11, (RHC), -- Participants at the People’s Summit in Panama issued a joint statement on Saturday rejecting U.S. intervention in the affairs of Latin America and the Caribbean, and declaring the region a “Zone of Peace.”... More

Panama City, Apr 11, (RHC), -- Venezuela’s president Nicolas Maduro gave an impassioned speech at the seventh Summit of the Americas, in which he said he “extends an open hand to president Obama” in order to resolve their differences, but without interfering in each other’s internal affairs.... More

Panama City, Apr 11, (RHC) -- ,Argentina’s president Cristina Fernandez defended both Cuba and Venezuela, adding however that she valued Obama’s willingness to begin new relations with Cuba, the multinational news channel TeleSur reported.... More

Panama City, April 11 (teleSUR-RHC) The heads of state of the member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of America (ALBA) met early Saturday in Panama, where regional leaders have gathered in order to participate in the Summit of the Americas. ... More

Panama City, April 11 (teleSUR-RHC) Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa said on Friday the Summit of the Americas should serve as an opportunity for regional leaders to prevent foreign interference in the domestic affairs of the countries of the hemisphere. ... More
