SYDNEY, March 31 (RHC-Xinhua) -- New South Wales police commissioner Andrew Scipione has warned the ice epidemic could ruin Australia.... More

Quito, March 31 (teleSUR-RHC) In the face of the low international price of oil and appreciation of the U.S. dollar, Ecuador has put forward a temporary safeguard measure, generating much discussion within the country with many citizens in favor, as they perceive it will help protect national industry and balance the economy. ... More

La Paz, March 30 (teleSUR-RHC) According to unofficial final results, Bolivia's Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) – President Evo Morales’ party – won most of the country's local governments on Sunday's elections. ... More

Lausanne, March 30, (RHC) -- Senior negotiators from Iran and the United States wrapped up another day of negotiations on outstanding issues pertaining to Tehran’s nuclear program in the Swiss city of Lausanne.... More

Santiago de Cuba, March 30 (teleSUR-RHC) The Chilean government expressed gratitude to Bolivia for the help offered by President Evo Morales to areas impacted by flash floods through Chile’s Atacama desert, but said the help was not needed. ... More

Sanaa, March 30, (RHC), -- The ongoing crisis in Yemen has triggered concerns among the international community as more countries evacuated their nationals from the conflict-torn nation, Xinhua reports.... More

Mexico City, March 30 (teleSUR-RHC) U.S. academic Paul Krugman has hit out the Mexican economy, forecasting a gloomy outlook for the near future. ... More

Berlin, March 30 (RHC)-- A report says the German national airliner Lufthansa does not have enough medical personnel to render necessary assistance to its entire pilot staff, including workers for its low-cost subsidiary Germanwings.... More

Santiago de Chile, March 30 (teleSUR-RHC) At least 12 people have died and 20 remain missing after intense rains and flooding in three northern desert regions of Chile this week. ... More

Conakry, March 30 (RHC)-- Guinea has declared a 45-day “health emergency” in five regions of the African country to stop the spread of the deadly Ebola disease. In a statement published in national media over the weekend, Guinean President Alpha Conde said that he was declaring the health emergency in the west and southwest of the country, adding that the focus of the virus “has shifted to our country’s coastal areas.”... More

Brussels, March 30 (RHC)-- Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the Belgian capital city of Brussels to protest against the government’s austerity measures. Some 17,000 Belgians coming from various cities participated in the protest rally on Sunday, police sources said.... More

Rome, March 30 (RHC)-- Clashes erupted over the weekend between Italian police and the far right protesters who are against illegal immigration. The scuffles broke out in the northern city of Brescia as the police tried to disperse supporters of the neo-Nazi political party Forza Nuova (New Force).... More

Vatican City, March 30 (RHC) – Pope Francis will visit President Barack Obama at the White House for the first time on his visit to the U.S. in September, official sources said.... More

Bogota, March 30 (RHC)-- A new report commissioned by the Colombian government and FARC rebels has concluded U.S. soldiers and military contractors sexually abused at least 54 children in Colombia between 2003 and 2007.... More

Washington, March 30 (RHC)-- U.S. Republican hawk John Bolton has denounced the nuclear talks underway between Iran and the P5+1 countries, calling on the United States to immediately launch a military offensive against the Islamic Republic of Iran to damage its nuclear infrastructure.... More
