Washington, March 14 (RHC) -- Valacyclovir, a drug commonly used to treat genital herpes, may help reduce the levels of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, even when patients do not have herpes, a study suggested Friday.... More

Quito, March 14 (teleSUR-RHC) Ecuador's government expressed its support Swedish authorities' decision to question Julian Assange in its London embassy over allegations of sex crimes, for which the WikiLeaks founder has never been charged.... More

Brussels, March 14 (RHC) -- The European Union (EU) Commissioner for humanitarian aid & crisis management Christos Stylianides expressed concern over the worsening Syria crisis on Friday as it entered the fifth year this week.... More

New York, March 14 (RHC) -- Crude prices plummeted Friday as worries of global supply glut continued to weigh on the market.... More

Monrovia, March 14 (Xinhua-RHC) -- Liberia will be declared Ebola- free by the World Health Organization on April 13 if no new case is reported, a Liberian official said on Thursday.... More

Costa Rican Volcano Erupts

San Jose, March 14 (teleSUR-RHC) Costa Rica's Turrialba volcano erupted four times Thursday. Ash was thrown up to 3,280 feet into the air, schools were canceled and people in a radius of a little over a mile around the volcano were evacuated from the area.... More

Brasilia, March 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Latin America's largest social movement, the Brazilian Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), is speaking out against death threats against one of its most recognizable leaders. ... More

Washington, March 13 (RHC)-- An investigation into a top U.S. military general accused of leaking sensitive information has been halted over fears it could confirm a joint U.S.-Israeli covert operation against Iran's nuclear program, according to U.S. officials. ... More

Caracas, March 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Speaking at an anti-imperialist rally in Caracas on Thursday, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro suggested that he would be willing to travel to the United States to talk with President Barack Obama directly about his statement that Venezuela constitutes an “unusual and extraordinary threat" to U.S. national security. ... More

London, March 13 (RHC)-- Swedish prosecutors have issued a request to question WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London on sexual assault allegations following pressure from Swedish courts and repeated requests by Assange’s lawyers. ... More

Caracas, March 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Even the right-wing opposition in Venezuela is working to distance itself from Obama's interference. ... More

Castries, March 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Saint Lucia’s Ambassador to ALBA and Petrocaribe Vincent Hippolyte has pledged continued support from members countries to the democratically elected government of Nicolas Maduro. ... More

Baghdad, March 13 (RHC)-- Iraqi officials say they are close to victory in an Iranian-backed offensive to reclaim the city of Tikrit from the self-proclaimed Islamic State. Iraqi forces and Shiite militias have reclaimed swaths of the city without the aid of U.S. airstrikes. ... More

Mexico City, March 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Mexican media network MVS fired two journalists Thursday who helped unveil the Mexican government's corruption scandal, which involved President Enrique Peña Nieto. ... More

Washington, March 13 (RHC)-- The German foreign minister has criticized U.S. Republican senators for signing a controversial letter to Iran, expressing concern that such moves could seriously undermine Iran’s confidence in the ongoing nuclear talks with global powers. ... More
