Baghdad, March 13 (RHC)-- Iraqi military sources say 22 soldiers from an army unit in the western province of Anbar have been killed in an airstrike. According to an Iraqi military officer and a police source, 22 soldiers were killed when an airstrike believed to be launched by a U.S.-led coalition aircraft hit the headquarters of an army company on the edge of Ramadi city, Anbar's provincial capital on Thursday. The sources did not identify the nationality of the plane causing the damage. ... More

Mexico City, March 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Two social activists remain disappeared more than a week after they went missing in the southern Mexico City neighborhood of Tlahuac. ... More

Quito, March 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- As reparation for historical injustices and as a means to strengthen the nation's inter-cultural identity, the Ecuadorean government and citizens are prioritizing the recovery of the country's 14 indigenous languages. ... More

Baghdad, March 12 (RHC)-- At least 17 people have lost their lives in the latest spate of terror attacks in and around the Iraqi capital city of Baghdad. According to Iraqi police and medical sources, the deadliest attack on Wednesday occurred when a car bomb went off in the Hurriya district of Baghdad, leaving nine dead and 30 others injured. ... More

Caracas, March 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A high-ranking official from the U.S. National Endowment for Democracy (NED) recently traveled to Venezuela under suspicious circumstances to meet with right-wing opposition politicians, the president of the Venezuelan National Assembly Diosdado Cabello revealed Wednesday. ... More

Nablus, March 12 (RHC)-- Palestinians supporting the boycott of Israeli products have set a consignment of such goods on fire in the north of Israeli-occupied West Bank. The activists unloaded a truck filled with Israeli products and set fire to them in the city of Nablus on Wednesday. ... More

St. Louis, March 12 (RHC)-- Two police officers have been shot during a protest outside the Ferguson police headquarters early this morning. The shooting came just hours after Police Chief Thomas Jackson quit following last week’s Justice Department report finding widespread racial bias in the city’s criminal justice system. ... More

Atlanta, March 12 (RHC)-- Protesters gathered near the U.S. city of Atlanta on Wednesday to protest the police shooting of an unarmed African-American man. Anthony Hill was reportedly running naked around an apartment complex when a white officer opened fire. ... More

Bogota, March 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The attorney general of Colombia has closed an investigation against journalist William Parra, who was accused of having links with the FARC guerrillas and of providing them with weapons. ... More

Madison, March 12 (RHC)-- People in the United States have once again taken to the streets to protest the fatal shooting of an unarmed African American teenager by a white police officer in Madison, Wisconsin. ... More

Mexico City, March 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Bank of Mexico (Banxico) sold the first tranche of $52 million on Wednesday in an attempt to stop the peso from sliding further after the currency’s value reached historic lows. ... More

London, March 12 (RHC)-- A study by the UK’s largest charity for elderly has revealed that severe cuts to health and social care services have sent thousands of pensioners into hospitals. Age UK says Community care and social care services for older people have faced a ‘double whammy’ of spending cuts over the past 10 years. ... More

Mexico City, March 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The body of a woman running for mayor for a town in Guerrero, Mexico was found beheaded and left on the side of a road, state prosecutors said Wednesday. ... More

Salt Lake City, March 12 (RHC)-- U.S. lawmakers in the state of Utah have passed a bill that would allow execution by the use of firing squad if lethal injection drugs are not provided. The State Senate of Utah passed the bill on Tuesday, but it is not clear whether Utah Governor Gary Herbert will sign it into law. ... More

Guatemala City, March 12 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Two journalists have been shot to death and a third seriously wounded in broad daylight in southern Guatemala. ... More
