Brussels, February 25 (RHC)-- Finance ministers from the Eurozone have given the green light to the reforms submitted by Greece in exchange for the four-month extension of its bailout deal after a similar move by the European Commission. ... More

Caracas, February 25 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Venezuelan TV showed a video Monday which disproved claims by allies of opposition leader Antonio Ledezma that the Caracas mayor was violently handled when arrested last week for involvement in a foiled coup. ... More

New York, February 25 (RHC)-- In the United States, a Manhattan jury has found the Palestinian Authority and Palestine Liberation Organization liable for six terrorist attacks in Israel which killed or injured Americans. ... More

Baghdad, February 25 (RHC)-- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif says "good progress was made on certain topics" during bilateral negotiations with the U.S. delegate in Geneva. ... More

Bogotá, February 25 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Colombia’s Office of the Attorney General has asked the country’s Constitutional Court to declare a cooperation deal between the South American Country and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as “unconstitutional.” ... More

Bonn, February 25 (RHC-Mercopress) -- Argentina lost a ruling at Germany’s top civil court over interest payments on bonds it sold to investors in the European country that don’t have terms that allow for restructuring by a majority vote of creditors, according to a report from Bloomberg at Karlsruhe.... More

Tel Aviv, February 24 (RHC)-- Israel has been aware that Iran’s nuclear program is peaceful and does not include “the activity necessary to produce weapons,” according to a leaked Mossad report, dated shortly after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused Tehran of having "plans to build a nuclear weapon" at his 2012 UN speech. ... More

La Paz, February 24 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Guatemalan indigenous leader and 1992 Nobel Peace Prize recipient Rigoberta Menchú expressed her support Monday for Bolivia's right to direct access with the Pacific Ocean. Bolivia has filed a claim against Chile before the International Court of Justice. ... More

Quito, February 24 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Representatives from grassroots indigenous groups throughout Ecuador issued a call Monday to engage in a direct dialogue with the government of President Rafael Correa. ... More

Tel Aviv, February 24 (RHC)-- An NGO has reported an unprecedented 40-percent climb in illegal settlement construction in the Israeli-occupied West Bank within the past year. In its latest report on Monday, the Israel-based Peace Now group said the construction of 3,100 "residential units" began last year in West Bank settlements, while 4,485 tenders for construction were launched in East Jerusalem settlement districts during 2014, "a record high for at least a decade." ... More

Mexico City, February 24 (RHC-teleSUR) -- In response to critical comments made on Sunday night at the Oscar awards ceremony by Mexican director, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Mexico's ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) published a sharp congratulations on Monday morning on its Twitter account. Later, the country's PRI president Enrique Pena Nieto responded to the acclaimed director’s message. ... More

Gaza City, February 24 (RHC)-- The Israeli regime forces have opened fire on Palestinian farmers in Gaza Strip, stepping up a campaign against the coastal sliver’s agricultural properties. ... More

United Nations, February 24 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Venezuelan Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez denounced foreign interference and the economic war being waged on Venezuela during her presentation Monday at the United Nations Security Council. ... More

Madrid, February 24 (RHC)-- An earthquake measuring five on the Richter scale has jolted central Spain, sending shockwaves through the country’s capital, Madrid. The Monday temblor, whose epicenter was located seven kilometers (4.3 miles) from the town of Ossa de Montiel, near Albacete, about 220 kilometers southeast of Madrid, sent many panicked office workers into the streets. ... More

Quito, February 24 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Ecuador's President Rafael Correa has announced a measure to cut his own salary and those of public servants earning more than US$6,000 per month by 5 to 10 percent, to help finance the hiring of 2,187 medical professionals and programs to combat maternal mortality. ... More
