Santo Domingo, February 5 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Thousands of Dominican-born children of undocumented immigrants from Haiti have been left stateless after the deadline to apply for regularization in the Dominican Republic passed this week.... More

Asunción, February 5 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The Paraguayan government of Horacio Cartes has been repeatedly condemned for violating human rights like freedom of speech.... More

Freetown, February 5 (RHC)-- In news from West Africa, a medication has shown effectiveness in treating some patients with Ebola. The drug, favipiravir, appears to have cut the mortality rate in half for patients with low to moderate levels of the virus. ... More

Freetown, February 5 (RHC)-- Sierra Leone has announced plans to reopen the schools in the country, which have been shut down to prevent the spread of the deadly Ebola virus. In a statement on Wednesday, President Ernest Bai Koroma's office said his administration would reopen the country's schools on March 30th. ... More

Houston, February 5 (RHC)-- U.S. oil workers have launched their largest strike in 35 years amid demands for safer conditions, higher pay and better healthcare. ... More

Taiwan, February 5 (RHC)-- The death toll from a TransAsia Airways plane crash has increased to 31. According to Taiwanese sources, at least 31 people lost their lives after the TransAsia ATR 72-600 turboprop plane struck a road bridge shortly after take-off and plunged into Keelung River on Wednesday. ... More

London, February 5 (RHC)-- Official figures reveal that the death rate related to cold snaps in England and Wales is over 30% higher than normal for this time of year. According to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) some 28,800 people died in the fortnight ending January 23rd. ... More

Tripoli, February 4 (RHC)-- At least 16 soldiers have been killed and 38 wounded during separate clashes around a rebel-held stronghold and a key oil terminal in an eastern Libyan port, officials say. ... More

Caracas, February 4 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro accused officials at the U.S. Embassy in Caracas of conspiring to bribe people close to the Venezuelan government, including current and former ministers as well as military officials, in order for them to conspire against the Bolivarian government.... More

Havana, February 4 (RHC-PL) -- The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army (FARC-EP) has defended the full recognition of the rights of the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia.... More

Rome, February 4 (RHC)-- Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi says he thinks that Greece is capable of reaching an agreement with its European Union partners over its huge debts. "I believe the conditions exist to find an accord with the European institutions," said Renzi on Tuesday, during a joint press conference with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras following talks in Rome. ... More

Beijing, February 4 (RHC-teleSUR) -- As part of her official trip to China, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez met with her counterpart Xi Jinping on Wednesday at the Great Hall of the People in which they ratified 15 bilateral agreements.... More

Washington, February 4 (RHC)-- The United States is set to increase spending on its stockpile of nuclear warheads at a higher rate than for many other military programs, says a report citing the White House budget documents published recently. ... More

Havana, February 4 (RHC-PL) -- The FARC-EP delegation participating in the negotiations with the Colombian government met with Norwegian Foreign Minister Borge Brende, in which the guerrilla informed on the progresses of the peace process.... More

Washington, February 4 (RHC)-- In the United States, CIA whistleblower John Kiriakou has been released from prison. Kiriakou exposed the George W. Bush-era torture program and became the only official jailed in connection with it. ... More
