Washington, February 2 (RHC)-- U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and possibly Secretary of State John Kerry might challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination next year, according to Rupert Murdoch. ... More

Athens, February 2 (RHC)-- Authorities in Greece have evacuated hundreds of people following flash floods caused by heavy rains in large areas of the country’s northwestern region. At least four rivers overflowed in Greece’s Epirus region on Sunday, forcing residents to evacuate several villages. Authorities have not reported any injuries or deaths. ... More

Santiago de Chile, February 2 (RHC-NNN) -- Chilean President Michelle Bachelet plans to end the country's complete ban on abortions and legalise it when a mother's life is at risk, a fetus will not survive pregnancy, or when a woman is raped.... More

Brasilia, February 2 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The elections last October renewed almost 40 percent of the representatives and about 80 percent of senators, leaving Brazil’s parliament more conservative than before.... More

Buenos Aires, February 2 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The Argentine President Cristina Fernandez sent a bill to the Senate Saturday to create a new Federal Intelligence Agency (AFI) and replace the dissolved Intelligence Service (SI).... More

Mexico City, February 2 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Maria de los Angeles Pineda and her family are accused of being the main heads of the gang that allegedly abducted the Ayotzinapa students.... More

Washington, January 31 (RHC)-- The U.S. State Department has once again criticized Israel’s latest plans to construct hundreds of new settlement projects in the occupied West Bank. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said on Friday that Washington is in close contact with Palestinian and Israeli officials over the issue. ... More

United Nations, January 31 (RHC-UNNS) -- United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Friday voiced encouragement as Colombian stakeholders prepare to resume peace talks in Havana next week in an effort to end the country’s decades-long internal conflict.... More

Washington, January 31 (RHC)-- The U.S. Justice Department has been spying on hundreds of millions of American drivers, says a new report by the Wall Street Journal. The Justice Department has been gathering a national database in order to track in real time the movement of motorists around the US, according to current and former officials and government documents. ... More

Washington, January 31 (RHC)-- Half of the United States Senate has refused to formally acknowledge the existence of man-made climate change. Forty-nine Republicans voted against a measure noting "human activity significantly contributes to climate change." ... More

Managua, January 31 (RHC-PL) -- Nicaragua's president Daniel Ortega has appointed Puerto Rican pro-independence leader Ruben Berrios as his advisor for international policies on decolonization.... More

Washington, January 31 (RHC)-- The new Republican chair of the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has asked the Barack Obama administration to return all copies of the Senate’s landmark report on CIA torture. ... More

Caracas, January 31 (RHC-Xinhua) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said Friday that U.S. agencies are plotting to overthrow him, and asked President Barack Obama if he is aware of the conspiracy.... More

New York, January 31 (RHC)-- Former U.S. drone operator Brandon Bryant, who was involved in the killing of more than 1600 people, says aerial strikes are conducted with complete uncertainty. Bryant, who worked for almost five years in America's secret drone program bombing targets in Afghanistan and other countries, such as Pakistan and Iraq, said operators lacked visibility and were not sure about the identity of the people they were shooting at. ... More

Caracas, January 31 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The Venezuelan ombudsman, Tarek Williams Saab, explained Friday that new regulations on security matters ensure human rights and safety at demonstrations.... More
