Sao Paulo, January 30 (RHC-EFE) – Brazilian police on Thursday busted an international drug trafficking outfit with links to Spain and Portugal, which brought cocaine into Brazil across the border with Bolivia, authorities said.... More

Baghdad, January 30 (RHC)-- Security and health authorities in Iraq say at least nineteen people, including army soldiers and Shia volunteer fighters, have been killed and scores of others wounded in separate bomb attacks and a shooting incident across the violence-ridden country. ... More

Washington, January 30 (RHC)-- The U.S. Defense Department has decided to keep secret its massive spending in Afghanistan, according to Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction (SIGAR). ... More

Mexico City, January 30 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The National Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) rejected a move made by Mexico's attorney general earlier this week that declared the case of the 43 disappeared students from Ayotzinapa closed, claiming the students were all dead. The IACHR said Thursday that the case cannot be closed.... More

Ramallah, January 30 (RHC)-- An Israeli electricity company has decided to intermittently cut the power supplies to Palestinians in the occupied West Bank. ... More

Tegucigalpa, January 30 (RHC-teleSUR) -- In Honduras, both the ruling National Party and the principal opposition force the Libre Party have announced they will begin gathering signatures for two separate plebiscites.... More

Tripoli, January 30 (RHC)-- A Libyan airline has announced the suspension of its flights following the killing of four of its crew members, including a French pilot, by gunmen who attacked a Tripoli hotel earlier in the week. ... More

Paris, January 30 (RHC)-- Thousands of railway employees have taken part in a rally in the French capital, Paris, against controversial reforms in the railway system. ... More

Brasilia, January 30 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The much anticipated 2016 Olympic torch relay will pass through nearly 250 Brazilian cities before reaching Rio de Janeiro, the country’s organizing committee announced Thursday.... More

Athens, January 29 (RHC)-- Greek Prime Minster Alexis Tsipras has openly challenged international creditors by stopping privatization plans agreed upon under the country's bailout deal. During his first meeting with cabinet members on Wednesday, Tsipras said that they could not disappoint voters already battered by a drop in living standards caused by austerity measures. ... More

San Jose, January 29 (PL-RHC)-- The Third Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) concludes Thursday in the capital of Costa Rica in an environment of unity and regional integration.... More

Athens, January 29 (RHC)-- In Greece, the country’s new prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, has promised "radical" change as his government begins to roll back key parts of Greece’s international bailout. ... More

United Nations, January 29 (RHC)-- The United Nations has stopped rebuilding of homes in the war-ravaged Gaza Strip amid freezing temperatures, citing lack of fund from pledged donors. ... More

Addis Ababa, January 29 (RHC)-- The African Union says it plans to launch an Ebola fund and disease control center in order to tackle the epidemic across the continent. ... More

Madrid, January 29 (RHC)-- A Spanish court has charged 78 senior bank officials for misusing credit cards for their personal use. Judge Fernando Andreu of Spain’s National Court charged the former bosses, executives, and board members of the country’s two renowned banks, Caja Madrid and Bankia, for the secret spending of over USD 17.48 million between 1999 and 2012. ... More
