Mexico City, January 29 (RHC-EFE) –- The parents of the 43 students kidnapped four months ago in the southern state of Guerrero say Mexico’s attorney general has no scientific proof to support his assertion that the youths were killed and their bodies burned.... More

Brasilia, January 29 (RHC-Mercopress) -- Brazil's President Dilma Rousseff has urged her cabinet to embrace fiscal belt-tightening and other measures aimed at restoring business confidence and growth in her second term.... More

San José, January 29 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro stated Wednesday that Latin America is living in a “new historic era” marked by unity and great opportunity. President Maduro also predicted that the 21st century will “mark the end of imperialism.” Maduro made his comments during opening statements by the heads of state and government at the CELAC Summit being held in Costa Rica.... More

Brasilia, January 29 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The Brazilian government announced Wednesday it plans to distribute 120 million condoms ahead of the upcoming Carnival celebrations.... More

Mexico City, January 28 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Mexican Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam claimed Tuesday that all 43 Aytozinapa students missing since September are dead, citing several confessions, as well as the forensic evidence from a garbage dump linking one of the students to the remains.... More

Tel Aviv, January 28 (RHC)-- The Israeli regime has launched attacks on Syrian army positions in the Golan Heights. According to reports, the Israeli warplanes carried out three overnight raids on the Syrian army positions hours after the regime forces fired artillery rounds into the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. ... More

Bogotá, January 28 (RHC-teleSUR) -- The Secretary-General of UNASUR, Ernesto Samper, called on the presidents of Colombia and Venezuela to maintain a positive working relationship between their two countries. Samper, who is also former President of Colombia, made the statement Tuesday in light of a sharp diplomatic disagreement between the neighboring countries, which Venezuela warned could “set back bilateral relations.”... More

Kiev, January 28 (RHC)-- The United States has once again threatened to step up sanctions on Russia in an attempt to increase pressure on the Kremlin over the situation in Ukraine. Speaking on a visit to Kiev on Wednesday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said: "We remain prepared to do more (on sanctions) if necessary." ... More

Bogotá, January 28 (RHC-PL) -- The head of the Colombian government's negotiating team, Humberto de la Calle, and High Commissioner for Peace Sergio Jaramillo will talk with Colombian intellectuals about the peace process, starting Friday in Cartagena, media sources have reported.... More

Washington, January 28 (RHC)-- U.S. House Speaker John Boehner has told members of the Republican Party that the body could take legal action against President Barack Obama. Boehner made the remarks over Obama's immigration policies at a closed-door meeting, according to an e-mail by an unnamed participant on Tuesday, the Huffington Post reported. ... More

Santiago de Chile, January 28 (RHC-PL) -- The Chilean Government has welcomed the adoption of the education law that eliminates shared financing, regulates admission and prohibits profits in schools with state funds.... More

Athens, January 28 (RHC)-- The top economic spokesman for Greece's victorious Syriza Party says it would be unrealistic to expect the country to repay its massive debt in full. Euclid Tsakalotos told reporters in Athens: "I haven't met an economist in their heart of hearts that will tell you that Greece will pay back all of that debt. It simply can't be done." ... More

Mexico City, January 28 (RHC-PL) -- Thousands of people marched through the streets of the city demanding punishment for those responsible for the death of 43 teaching students four months ago.... More

Athens, January 28 (RHC)-- Greece's new prime minister, Alexis Tsipras, visited a World War II National Resistance Memorial in his first outing as the country's new leader. ... More

San José, January 28 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Latin American presidents are kicking off the two-day Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) summit in Costa Rica Wednesday.... More
