Maputo, January 17 (RHC)-- Heavy floods in southeast African country of Mozambique have killed at least 34 people amid efforts by rescue workers to reach people stranded on rooftops and over the trees. The figure, reported by local officials and press reports, could be even higher, since no information was yet available from all the areas that have been cut off by the flooding, according to Maria Luciano of the country's National Institute of Disaster Management. ... More

United Nations, January 17 (RHC)-- The United Nations is calling on Israel to unlock $127 million in taxes owed to the Palestinian Authority that were withheld after the Palestinians decided to join the International Criminal Court.... More

Hollywood, January 17 (RHC)-- The 2015 Oscars nominations were announced Thursday and for the first time in almost two decades, all 20 acting nominees are white. ... More

Caracas, January 17 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Venezuelan and Portuguese officials will hold high level talks in April to discuss deepening bilateral ties, a minister in Caracas said Friday.... More

Washington, January 17 (RHC)-- The former U.S. ambassador to El Salvador, Robert White, has died at the age of 88. ... More

San Salvador, January 17 (RHC-teleSUR) -- United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visited El Salvador Friday to celebrate the 23rd anniversary of the peace accords that ended the country’s 12-year civil war, which killed more than 75,000 people.... More

Bogota, January 17 (RHC-PL) -- A group of computer experts will investigate threats posted on social networks against political leaders, human rights defenders and Colombian activists, while the intimidation attempts were rejected today by many voices in Bogota.... More

Tegucigalpa, January 16 (NNN-UNNS) -- Delivering a “message of hope” on his first ever visit to Honduras, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon urged the National Congress to draw on the tremendous diversity and voices of all the country's people as they undertake measures to address poverty, inequality and insecurity and move towards sustainable development.... More

Ramallah, January 16 (RHC)-- Israeli soldiers have shot and injured a young Palestinian man during a raid on a number of houses at a refugee camp north of the occupied West Bank. Palestinian security sources, speaking on condition of anonymity, said scuffles broke out between dozens of Palestinian youths and Israeli troops after the latter stormed a refugee camp in Jenin, and arrested four young Palestinians. ... More

La Paz, January 16 (RHC-teleSUR) -- Bolivian Minister of Labor Daniel Santalla has announced that Bolivia has generated a half a million jobs in both the private and public sector since 2006.... More

Tel Aviv, January 16 (RHC)-- Israel says the Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstroem would have been rejected by the regime's officials if she had traveled to the occupied territories. "The Swedish foreign minister would not have been given any official meetings in Israel if she had traveled here. What Sweden did was an utterly unfriendly action," said Emmanuel Nahshon, the Israeli Foreign Ministry's spokesman, on Thursday, referring to Stockholm's recognition of the Palestinian state. ... More

Mexico City, January 16 (RHC-PL) -- Interior Minister Miguel Angel Osorio rejected that elements of the armed forces are linked in the missing of Mexican students, local media reported Thursday. At a news conference held Wednesday, after the security meeting in the northeastern region, Osorio stated that there is an interest in generating ignorance or wanting to involve the Army and the federal forces with the Iguala events.... More

Athens, January 16 (RHC)-- A recent opinion poll shows that Greece's anti-bailout opposition party Syriza holds a lead over the ruling conservatives, and is expected to grab the largest share of votes in this month's snap general election.... More

Bogota, January 16 (rhc-pl) -- The issue of threats made to human rights activists and peace process promoters remains latent today in Colombia amid expressions of rejection and demands to check those actions. A committee including Clara Lopez, president of Polo Democratico Alternativo; senator Ivan Cepeda, lawyer Piedad Cordoba and House representative Angela Maria Robledo, attended Wednesday a meeting in Casa de Narino (government house) to demand a thorough investigation into those threats.... More

Hollywood, January 16 (RHC)-- A documentary film featuring the story of Edward Snowden, the former U.S. National Security Agency contractor, has been nominated for the 2015 Academy Awards. "Citizenfour," directed by Laura Poitras, along with four other documentaries, earned an Oscar nomination for the Documentary Feature prize. ... More
