Denver, January 14 (RHC)-- In the U.S. state of Colorado, the FBI says a deliberate explosion outside an office of the NAACP, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, may have been an act of domestic terrorism. ... More

Buenos Aires, January 14 (RHC-Mercopress) -– Argentinian President Cristina Fernandez will be travelling to Beijing next month, reciprocating a visit from her Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping last July, according to an official announcement issued by chief of staff Jorge Capitanich. ... More

Tehran, January 13 (RHC)-- Iran and Iraq have explored ways to further broaden bilateral relations in all areas, calling for closer cooperation to counter the terror threats in the troubled Middle East. ... More

Mexico City, January 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The parents of the 43 forcibly disappeared Mexican students clashed with police on Monday after trying to enter the barracks of the 27th Battalion in the city of Iguala, Guerrero, the municipality where the students were attacked and subsequently disappeared.... More

Washington, January 13 (RHC)-- A group of protesters demonstrated inside the U.S. Congress on Monday to demand the prosecution of CIA officials involved in the torture of suspected terrorists. Around 10 protesters with a group called Witness Against Torture broke into shouts in the visitors' gallery of the Senate chamber, calling for the full release of a Senate report on CIA torture practices after 9/11. ... More

Damascus, January 13 (RHC)-- Witnesses in Syria say a recent U.S.-led coalition airstrike may have killed dozens of civilians. According to McClatchy News, the attack hit a makeshift Islamic State jail in the town of Al-Bab close to the Turkish border on December 28th. Most of the reported dead were civilian prisoners held by the Islamic State for violations of Sharia law or opposition fighters from rival groups. ... More

Tegucigalpa, January 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- In the first ten days of 2015 in Honduras over 100 murders were reported. However, the government continues to insist that crime rates are increasing, and continued militarization is the solution.... More

Mexico City, January 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A Mexican federal court ordered on Monday the detention of Maria de los Angeles Pineda Villa, the wife of former Iguala mayor, and charged her with laundering money for a drug cartel.... More

Ramallah, January 13 (RHC)-- Israeli forces have reportedly shut down the offices of two Palestinian charities in the occupied territories for their alleged links with the Gaza-based resistance movement, Hamas. According to a police statement, Israeli police along with the Shin Bet spy service on Monday stormed the offices of the Palestinian charity organizations, Muslim Women for al-Aqsa in Jerusalem and al-Fajr, in the city of Nazareth in northern Israel. ... More

Panama City, January 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The National Office of Refugees of Panama refused to grant asylum to the Colombian former chief of intelligence, which will now enable authorities to deport her immediately from Panama if captured.... More

Jakarta, January 13 (RHC)-- Indonesian divers have reportedly retrieved the black box cockpit voice recorder from the wreck of the ill-fated AirAisa flight that went down into the Java Sea earlier this month. According to Indonesian media reports, the cockpit voice recorder (CVR) was found on Tuesday near the spot where the flight data recorder (FDR) was recovered a day earlier. ... More

Asunción, January 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A Paraguayan economist warned that the country’s growing deficit is concerning, with fixed public spending set to absorb 97 percent of tax revenue.... More

Algiers, January 13 (teleSUR-RHC)-- As part of his official tour of OPEC member nations this month, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro arrived in Algeria on Monday to discuss new bilateral cooperation projects. Algerian Prime Minister Abdemalek Sellal welcomed Maduro with military honors. ... More

Cleveland, January 13 (RHC)-- Officials in Cleveland, Ohio where a white officer shot dead a 12-year-old Black boy have released new video footage showing another officer arresting the boy's sister who was rushing to her dying brother after the shooting. The video shows the police officer tackled, handcuffed and detained the 14-year-old sister of Tamir Rice, shortly after the boy was shot on November 22nd, according to the video. ... More

Bogota, January 13 (NNN-RHC) –- Colombian government representatives and members of the leftist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerrilla rebels are to begin their next round of peace negotiations on January 26th.... More
