Santiago de Chile, December 17 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Chilean government announced Tuesday it would submit a labor reform bill to Congress at the end of this month. Leading up to the final submission, the Central Workers Union (CUT) executive committee met with the Chilean Labor and Finance ministers to make clear various stipulations contained within the labor reform bill.... More

Quito, December 6 (RHC) -- The Heads of State and Government of the member countries of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) inaugurated Friday the new headquarters of the regional organization in Quito, the Ecuadorian capital.... More

Veracruz, December 6 (RHC)-- National coordinators from Latin America, Spain, Portugal and Andorra are meeting in Mexico to give the final touches to documents that will be discussed by foreign ministers, prior to the 24th Ibero-American Summit, set for Monday and Tuesday in the Mexican city of Veracruz.... More

Roseau, December 6 (RHC) -- The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has mounted a CARICOM electoral observer mission to monitor the general elections to be held on December 8th, at the invitation of the government of Dominica.... More

United Nations, December 5 (RHC)-- The United Nations has censured the Israeli regime for demolishing Palestinian houses in the occupied West Bank, calling it a violation of the most basic human rights. The demolition of homes as a "punitive" measure against Palestinians runs counter to international laws and must stop, UN Humanitarian Coordinator James W. Rawley told a press conference on Thursday. ... More

Mexico City, December 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Javier Hernandez, Representative of the UN Human Rights Office in Mexico, has said it holds the government responsible for the disappearance of the 43 students from the Ayotzinapa teachers' school.... More

Rio de Janeiro, December 5 (Xinhua-RHC)-- Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff on Thursday earmarked over $1 billion to water projects in a bid to alleviate the severe water crisis in Sao Paulo.... More

United Nations, December 5 (RHC)-- UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has called on the United States to make the police more accountable, amid a spate of police killings of African Americans across the country. "We are obviously aware of what is going on here in our backyard," UN spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric said at the UN headquarters in New York on Thursday, a day after a grand jury failed to indict a white New York police officer accused of killing a Black man by putting him in an illegal chokehold. ... More

New York, December 5 (RHC)-- Thousands have again taken to the streets in the United States over a grand jury's failure to indict a New York white police officer in the chokehold death of a Black man. Demonstrations were held in several cities across the United Sates, including Washington, DC, and New York, on Thursday, a second day of protests after the Staten Island grand jury cleared police officer. ... More

Montevideo, December 5 (MERCOPRESS-RHC)-- Latin America 'unfortunately' has a very low participation in world trade which is a major challenge for the region, according to Gonzalo Rodriguez, member of MERCOSUR's technical staff, who was one of several speakers at the opening of UNASUR summit.... More

Phoenix, December 5 (RHC)-- Another unarmed Black man has been killed by a white police officer in the United States, amid nationwide protests over a series of police killings of African Americans in the country. A Phoenix, Arizona police officer fatally shot 34-year-old Rumain Brisbon on Tuesday evening. He died with two bullet wounds in his torso at a north Phoenix apartment complex. ... More

Lima, December 5 (XINHUA-RHC)-- The melting of glaciers in the Andes Mountains is a threat to the population of Andean countries, including Bolivia and Peru, said Nilda Rojas, head of the National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyu (CONAMAQ), on Thursday.... More

Paris, December 5 (RHC)-- French people have lost their trust in the ruling Socialist Party following consecutive corruption cases, according to reports from Paris. Media sources say that prevalent corruption in President Francois Hollande's cabinet has provoked great dissatisfaction in the French society. ... More

Caracas, December 5 (teleSUR-RHC)-- The Venezuelan Minister of Interior Relations, Justice and Peace, Carmen Melendez, held a meeting on Thursday with members of the Commission of Victims of Sicariato (hired assassinations), in order to take measures to protect small farmers of the country.... More

Washington, December 5 (RHC)-- American fast-food workers and other minimum wage earners have walked off their jobs, demanding better working conditions. Employees working at major fast-food chains, including McDonald's and Burger King, staged protests on Thursday in more than 190 cities across the United States as the movement to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour reached a two-year anniversary. ... More
