Damascus, November 20 (RHC)-- The United States has carried out new airstrikes on the Syrian border with Turkey. A Pentagon statement claims the attack killed two militants from the Nusra Front, in the fourth such strike on the al-Qaeda group since September. ... More

St. Louis, November 20 (RHC)-- Protests continue in Ferguson, Missouri, ahead of the grand jury’s decision on whether to indict Officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown. On Wednesday, demonstrators braved sub-zero temperatures to rally outside the Ferguson Police Department. ... More

Caracas, November 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro’s executive powers granted to him by decree 12 months ago by the country’s National Assembly expired Wednesday, a day after he signed 28 new laws to improve the nation’s economy and benefit the working class. He was provided the discretionary authority to approve urgent and crucial structural reforms.... More

New York, November 20 (RHC)-- A leading U.S. nursing group has come out in support of a Navy medical officer at Guantánamo Bay who this year became the first known prison official to refuse to force-feed hunger-striking detainees. ... More

Mexico City, November 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Tens of thousands of Mexicans are expected to join three marches to demand justice for the 43 missing Ayotzinapa students in the capital’s main square.... More

Freetown, November 20 (RHC-AP) -— The spread of Ebola remains "intense" in most of Sierra Leone, even as things have improved somewhat in the two other countries hardest hit, the World Health Organization says.... More

Santiago, November 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A Chilean court has ordered the government to pay $7.5 million to 30 former political prisoners who were imprisoned and tortured under the military dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet in the 1970's.... More

London, November 20 (RHC)-- A recent report shows there are around 90,000 homeless children in Britain, the equivalent of three in every school. The report, published by housing and homelessness charity group Shelter, was complied in accordance with analysis of the latest government figures on homelessness in the UK. ... More

Tegucigalpa, November 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- Honduras is the world’s most violent country with an average rate of 91 people violently murdered for every 100,000 inhabitants. In this dangerous environment, women are the most vulnerable, based on official figures and women rights groups. And in fact, Honduras has an actual rate of one women violently killed every 14 hours.... More

Kabul, November 20 (RHC)-- The cultivation of opium poppies in Afghanistan reached an all-time high last year, despite more than $7 billion in U.S. funds to combat the drug trade. ... More

Buenos Aires, November 20 (teleSUR-RHC)-- A new law passed by the Argentinian Parliament on Wednesday says all public transportation in the country will now required to carry the slogan “Malvinas son Argentinas” (The Malvinas Belong to Argentina).... More

Washington, November 20 (RHC)-- In the United States, federal safety regulators are urging the owners of 7.8 million vehicles made by 10 different companies to "act immediately" to replace defective airbags. ... More

Rio de Janeiro, November 20 (NNN-EFE-RHC)-- Brazil's Butanta Institute scientific research center is negotiating an agreement with the U.S. National Institutes of Health to develop a serum against Ebola, authorities said Wednesday.... More

Mexico City, November 20 (NNN-EFE-RHC)-- Mexico officially recorded 194 abductions last month, an 8.9 percent increase from October 2013, when 178 cases were registered, the Association to Stop Kidnapping said Wednesday. Six kidnappings occur every day in Mexico, according to the non-governmental organization.... More

Mexico City, November 19 (RHC)-- The Daniel Solis Gallardo Caravan, including families of the 43 missing students in Iguala, arrived Tuesday in Amilcingo, Morelos, along with students from 11 teacher training schools in Guerrero and members of Section 22 of the National Coordinator of Education Workers (CNTE).... More
